@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001021, author = {尾野, 善裕 and Ono, Yoshihiro}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 平安時代の国産緑釉陶器をめぐる過去の研究では、考古資料に対する歴史的評価や、文献資料の解釈が論者によって大きく異なっている。それにもかかわらず、緑釉陶器が多く出土する遺跡は、官衙かそれに準ずるような〈公的施設〉である、となぜか漠然と信じられているように見受けられる。 しかし、実際の出土事例を検討してみると、地方では、国衙など官衙近辺での緑釉陶器の出土は少なくないが、必ずしも政庁など官衙中枢部からの出土が多いわけではないことが判る。また、平安京とその近郊で、九世紀代の緑釉陶器が多く出土するのは、冷然院・嵯峨院・淳和院など天皇家関係者の邸宅跡であり、これらは厳密な意味での〈官〉に属するものではない。むしろ、これらが私的邸宅と評価すべき性格のものでもあることを考慮すると、そこで使用されていた緑釉陶器についても私的奢侈品である可能性が考えられる。 一方、緑釉陶器生産工人の官人登用を示すものとされている『日本後紀』の弘仁六年条や、緑釉陶器の貢納規定である『延喜式』の年料雑器条などの文献資料も、それ自体が、〈官〉による緑釉陶器生産の直接経営を証明するものではない。 こうした検討結果を踏まえた上で、改めて考古資料を眺めてみると、尾張地域の窯跡から、「淳和院」と記された緑釉陶器生産に関わる窯道具が出土していることが注目される。この窯道具の存在は、緑釉陶器の中に、生産段階から私的経済活動体である〈院〉への供給を前提とされていたものがあることを示しており、官営工房以外での緑釉陶器生産の存在が推測されるとともに、淳和院などの〈院〉自体が、その経営母体であった可能性も考えられよう。, Studies on green-glazed ceramics of domestic production in the Heian period so far differ greatly from one scholar to another in historical evaluation of antiquities and interpretation of documents. However, it seems that scholars somehow vaguely believe that the historical sites which produce green-glazed ceramics were of “public character” like a government office or its equivalents. The thorough investigation of each case, however, tells us the following facts; in provinces, not a few green-glazed ceramics were found around the governmental area such as a provincial governor's office, but as a whole, they were not necessarily found from the centers of government offices. Especially in the Heian capital region and surrounding areas, a lot of green-glazed ceramics were found the ancient sites of the exemperors' residences such as Reizei-in, Saga-in and Junna-in. These places did not belong to “the government” in the strict sense of the word, or rather they are considered to have been private residences. It is quite reasonable to consider that the green-glazed ceramics used there were private luxurious articles. As for the historical documents, the clause of the sixth year of Konin in Nihon-Koki is considered to have shown the appointment of government officers as green-glazed ceramic workers, and the clause of annual household and miscellaneous items in Engishiki refers the rules of offering tributes of green-glazed ceramics. These documents themselves nevertheless do not attest direct management of the ceramic production by the government. Taking above consideration into account and re-investigating the antiquities, the author of this paper gives special attention to the fact that an ancient kiln site in the Owari district produced kiln articles related to the production of green-glazed ceramics on which the name of “Junna-in” was written. The existence of these articles indicates that there were some green-glazed ceramics which were aimed from the beginning of the production to be supplied to Junna-in which was involved in private economic activities. It also indicates the possibility of production of these ceramics in workshops other than governmental ateliers, and these workshops may well have operated by a private economic body such as Junna-in.}, pages = {35--57}, title = {平安時代における緑釉陶器の生産・流通と消費 : 尾張産を中心に(1. 古代の流通経済)}, volume = {92}, year = {2002}, yomi = {オノ, ヨシヒロ} }