@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001048, author = {杉森, 玲子 and Sugimori, Reiko}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 桐生新町は、その地域一帯で生産される多くの絹織物の集散地として発展し、周辺農村部から機屋の奉公人などが流入して都市的様相を呈していた。絹織物の取引の中心となったのは、市で独占的に絹織物を集荷し江戸や京都などの呉服問屋への買次を行う絹買仲間である。本稿では、仲間構成員の一人であった野州安蘇郡戸奈良村の豪農石井家が桐生に進出する過程やその呉服商売の様相を検討し、在郷町桐生の位置付けや豪農の活動のあり方について検討しようとするものである。 石井本家の五右衛門は、天明~寛政期に地主として急成長を遂げるとともに呉服渡世を始め、桐生にも出入りするようになった。文政期には旧来の絹買仲間構成員から得意先を譲り受け、桐生に出店をおいたが、他の絹買次商と同様に売掛代金の滞りが多く、戸奈良村の本店からの借用金に依存した赤字経営であった。天保期には、五右衛門は江戸においても町屋敷や湯屋株などを所持し、呉服商売にも携わっており、経営不振ではあったものの桐生への進出が江戸への進出を含めその後の家業拡大の前提となったと考えられる。 一方、桐生新町は石井家のような豪農の進出を受けて、周辺地域の中核的な町場としての性格をいっそう強め、流通面でも江戸との結びつきの深い在郷町として発展していくこととなった。ただし、桐生新町では領主から賦課された才覚金をめぐって五右衛門の対応が問題になり、絹買仲間内部でも桐生に居住または出店をもっているかどうかで町とのかかわり方や織物類の集荷などの点で違いがみられた。石井家のような豪農層は都市と農村を結ぶ存在としてその活動が注目されるのである。, Kiryu-shinmachi developed as a distribution center for many silk fabrics produced all over the area and presented an urban aspect with the influx of servants for weaving factories etc. from neighboring villages. Those who played a central role in the silk fabrics trade were kinukai-nakama or the silk buyers guild, who bought the silk fabrics monopolistically and acted as an agent for kimono wholesale stores in Edo and Kyoto in their purchase. The paper will examine the process in which the Ishii family, Gono (wealthy farmer) of Yashu Aso-gun Tonara Village (野州安蘇郡戸奈良村) and member of the nakama advanced into Kiryu and then will discuss the aspects of their kimono sales business in order to examine the situation of a zaigo-cho Kiryu and the activities of Gono. Goemon of the head family of Ishii started kimono business and visiting Kiryu, while he developed rapidly as the landlord during the period from Tenmei to Kansei. In the Bunsei period, he succeeded customers from an old member of the silk buyers guild and opened a branch in Kiryu. However, like many other silk traders, because of many defaults in accounts receivable, the business of the branch was in red and had to depend upon the borrwoing from the head office in Tonara Village. In the Tempo period, Goemon had a town residence and some stocks of yuya in Edo, and further he was engaged in kimono business. Although the business had financial difficulties, his advancement into Kiryu served as the premise for the expansion of the family business in the future including the advancement to Edo. In the meantime, Kiryu-shinmachi, as a result of the advancement of such Gono as the Ishii family, further strengthened its character as the core town place for the neighboring area, while it developed as a zaigo-cho having a deep connection with Edo from the standpoint of distribution. However, in Kiryu-shinmachi, as seen in the case where the way Goemon dealt with the saikakukin or the raised money imposed by the manor brought on much criticism, their relations with the town and the way of buying the silk fabrics, etc. differed according to whether they had residences or branches in Kiryu even if they belonged to the same silk buyers guild. The activities of the class of such Gono as the Ishii family are worthy of attention in that it was connecting the urban and the rural areas.}, pages = {165--178}, title = {豪農の桐生進出と呉服渡世}, volume = {95}, year = {2002}, yomi = {スギモリ, レイコ} }