@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001076, author = {小島, 道裕 and Kojima, Michihiro}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 滋賀県守山市所在の小津神社祭祀圏を素材に、地域的祭祀の歴史的な背景を考察する。祭祀圏の地域が決定される要因としては、荘園、水利圏、交通路などが考えられるが、具体的に検討すると、いずれも祭祀圏全体に共通するものはなく、その地域を決定する要因としては単一では不十分であり、複合した要因によるものと考えられる。 次に祭祀を担った主体の問題から考えると、土豪層の関与は間違いなく、またこの地域では一向一揆等の土豪層を中心とする組織も見られるが、祭祀圏を土豪層の連合から説明することにも無理がある。 そこで当時の村落の状況に目を向けると、十五世紀頃には集落が移転して、在地領主と百姓の惣の共同により、現在に続く新しい集落が成立する現象が広範に見られる。この百姓の惣が、このような集落を基盤として新たに成立した地域社会において、様々な地域的問題の解決のために連合し、地域的共同体を形成して、その象徴として地域的祭祀が行われたのではないかと考えられる。ここに地域的祭祀の直接的な起源と機能を求めることができる。, This paper examines the historical background to regional festivals, using the festival zones at Ozu Shrine in Moriyama City, Shiga Prefecture as an example. Factors that determine the area comprising any festival zone include manors, water rights, and transportation systems, but careful examination of each of these reveals that none is common to all festival zones. Therefore, when we consider what determines the area for a zone, no single factor was definitive, but rather multiple factors were involved. Secondly, if we look to who took charge of these festivals, there is no doubt that regional family clans were involved, and in fact in this area, there were organizations that consisted primarily of regional family clans who were active in Ikko-Ikki religious uprisings. However, it is difficult to explain festival zones from the standpoint of alliances of regional family clans. Meanwhile, if we examine the states of villages at that time, we see that in the fifteenth century, villages were relocating, and new villages that have survived until today were being established through cooperation between regional family clans and organizations of peasants in each villages. It is possible that these organizations of peasants united to solve a variety of regional problems, formed regional communities, and held regional festivals as symbols of these communities. This gives us a key to the direct origins and functions of regional festivals.}, pages = {5--16}, title = {地域的祭祀の起源と機能 : 守山市小津神社祭祀圏を事例に}, volume = {98}, year = {2003}, yomi = {コジマ, ミチヒロ} }