@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001133, author = {関, 礼子 and Seki, Reiko}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿では,人々と自然との多様な「かかわり」が交錯する場を「かかわりの自然空間」と呼び,新潟県阿賀野川流域集落の生業複合を通して人々の行為と河川空間が持つ「かかわり」とその変化について考察する。 阿賀野川はしばしば氾濫し,流路を変えた。阿賀野川は土地を削って新しい流路とし,これまでの流路を新たな土地にする「暴れ川」だった。だが,流域の人々はその曖昧で不安定な空間がもたらす恵みを最大限に利用する生活戦略をとってきた。 本稿では,このような流域集落の生業のあり方に着目し,第一に,生業複合が持つ「在地リスク管理」の特徴,多様な生業の展開を可能にしている河川空間の「かかわり」の重層性について明らかにする。第二に,「かかわり」の重層性が,阿賀野川の曖昧で不安定な性格と相関することを,流域集落の生活文化の多様性,所有感覚の混乱,空間の変化による安定的知識の無効化という3点から論じる。そのうえで,生業や生活文化の変化が,川との「かかわり」を変質させたことを指摘する。, In this paper, I will refer to the various intersections of the people and nature as “Nature Space of the relations” and I will consider the “relations”, and the changes in such relations, between the actions of multiples subsistence by the people and the river, in the reaches of the Agano River, in Niigata Prefecture. The Agano River frequently overflowed and changed course. When the river broke its banks, it washed away the existing soil and created new soil. However, the people of the basin villages took multiple subsistence as a life strategy, which brought great advantages to their life from the uncertain and unstable river. Here I will focus on the ways of multiple subsistence and discuss the characteristics of “Indigenous Risk Avoidance” and multiple “relations” which caused various subsistences to be developed. These “relations” were concerned with the unstable space of the Agano River; they gave rise to various local culture of everyday life, made the idea of ownership unclearly, and made stable knowledge useless because of changes in the river space. Thus I will show that the change of the subsistence and the local culture of everyday life altered the people's “relations” with the river.}, pages = {57--87}, title = {生業活動と「かかわりの自然空間」 : 曖昧で不安定な河川空間をめぐって(環境と生活)}, volume = {105}, year = {2003}, yomi = {セキ, レイコ} }