@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001168, author = {小島, 道裕 and Kojima, Michihiro}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, 利用者の立場を重視しつつある今日の博物館において,利用者の学習をどのように支援するかが大きな課題となっている。本稿では,ワークシートを用いた家族向けのプログラムとして行った「れきはく親子クイズ」を事例に,その試行と実施結果から,特に対象年齢の設定などについて分析し,またその意義について考察を試みた。 試行は小学生を念頭にスタートしたが,実際には中学生および未就学児童も多く参加していることがわかり,種類や設問の変更を試みた。まず答の選択や記述とスケッチを中心とした問題を小学生から中学生向けに作り,次いで写真で示した資料を探す形式を中心とする低年齢用の問題,さらに中学生以上大人までを対象にした難度の高い問題も作成して結果の分析を行った。 今回採用した,子ども向けの問題シートと大人向けの解答・解説シートを分けた「親子式」の方法は,条件にあった層には効果が高いが,条件からはずれた場合には有効でない欠点があり,展示室での支援の工夫が必要である。また利用者はプログラムを自分の観覧に合わせて使用しており,この点からもシートだけではない総合的な支援が望まれる。 このプログラムは資料の観察に基づいて答えを導き出すため,博物館利用方法の訓練ともなり,また展示作成者が設定したシナリオとは別の文脈で資料を読み解くことも可能になるため,展示意図を相対化し,主体的な学習を行うためのきっかけともなりうると考えられる。, With increasing importance given to user perspectives in museums today, the question of how to support user learning has become a major issue. This study examines the implementation and results of the “Rekihaku Parent and Child Quiz” program, a family-oriented program which makes use of exhibit worksheets. The analysis gives special attention to the program's effectiveness in terms of target age groups and provides a discussion of the program's significance. The program was first implemented with elementary students in mind, but its was soon discovered that middle-school as well as pre-school children were also making use of the worksheets. This prompted the creation of different varieties and types of worksheet. Sheets that incorporated text and sketches and relied principally on multiple choice answers were created for elementary and middle-school students. Sheets for younger children used photographs and asked users mainly to find the item in the exhibit. Sheets with challenging questions were created for users ranging from middle-school to adult ages. The results of each are analyzed in the study. The study found that the approach adopted by the program―worksheets for children on the one hand and answer/explanatory sheets for their parents on the other―was very effective for worksheet's target groups but not effective when a worksheet was used by non-targeted groups. Additional support of some kind is needed in the exhibit room. Also, users tended to use the sheets in conjunction with their own viewing conditions, a fact which suggests that general support of a kind not possible through the worksheets alone is also desirable. Because the worksheets guide a user's interaction with museum materials, the program helps train people in the use of the museum. Moreover, since it makes it possible for users to interpret materials in a way different from that intended by the scenario created by exhibit's designer, the program also qualifies the exhibit's perspective and provides an opportunity for a more subjective learning experience.}, pages = {353--378}, title = {ワークシートによる家族向け教育プログラム : 「れきはく親子クイズ」の実施結果から}, volume = {108}, year = {2003}, yomi = {コジマ, ミチヒロ} }