@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001186, author = {一ノ瀬, 俊也 and Ichinose, Toshiya}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, 本論は、京城師範学校卒業生四五名が一九二四年四月、朝鮮龍山歩兵第七九連隊に一年現役兵として入営した際、各人が教育の一環として日々書かされた日記より主要な部分を抜き出して一年三六五日分の「軍隊日記」に編集、除隊後の二五年公刊した『凝視の一年』の内容分析である。第一次大戦後、まさに反戦反軍思想が最も昂揚した時期の兵営内で、未来の小学校教師として「国民教育ト軍隊教育トノ連携」者たることを期待された兵士たちは、軍隊の存在意義についていかなる説明を受け、どのように理解していったのだろうか。 分析の結果、一年現役兵たちは単に「忠君愛国」といった抽象的な題目だけでなく、国際連盟の無力、アメリカの脅威という具体的な国際情勢との関連から軍隊の存在意義を教えられ、かつ日常生活においてもそれを兵営外部、一般社会に対して語っていたことが確認できた。彼らは軍隊生活を「国民学校」と称するに足る、以後の人生にとって意義深い体験として認識していた。彼らの語りの内容は、当該期の軍が自己の存在意義をどこに求め、国民に正当化しようとしていたかを示している。強制された「日記」は、教育の内容を日々咀嚼し、自らの言葉として発話させるための装置に他ならなかった。 もちろん、そのような軍の論理が一年現役兵たちにおいて完全に内面化されていたと即断するつもりはないが、『凝視の一年』の刊行自体、彼らが教えられた軍の論理を主体的に一般社会に向けて伝達しようとする行動であった。そうした彼らの思考の枠組みと実践は、通常反軍平和思想の高揚というイメージをもって語られることの多い大正期と、後年の戦時動員体制期との「連続性」という問題を考えるとき、きわめて示唆的な事実であると考える。, In April of 1924, forty-five graduates of the Keijo Normal School enlisted for one year of active service in the 79th infantry regiment in Yongsan, Korea. Following their discharge in 1925, they published a "military diary" entitled Gyoshi no ichinen (Watchful Year) which comprised edited selections of the daily journals they kept individually as part of their education. At a time when anti-war anti-military ideology was reaching its peak in post-WWI Japan, these soldiers were expected to act as "bridges between national and military education" in their future roles as primary school teachers. This study examines the published diary to understand the ways that the military's existence was explained to and understood by these teachers-to-be inside the barracks. During their year of active duty, the soldiers were instructed on more than abstract themes of "loyalty to the sovereign" (chukun) and "love of nation" (aikoku). They were instructed on the value of the military's existence in connection with concrete international circumstances such as the League of Nation's impotency and American intimidation; additionally, they clearly addressed general society outside the barracks when they spoke on such matters in daily life. They regarded life in the military as an experience of great significance for their future lives, likening it to a "national school" (kokumin gakko). In the stories they tell, we begin to understand how the military defined the value of its own existence and sought to legitimate itself to the nation. The "diary" was but a mechanism designed to have the soldiers digest the substance of their education and express it in their own words. There is no reason to conclude that these soldiers fully internalized the military's logic in the one year of active duty they served. Nonetheless, the publication of Gyoshi no ichinen represents an attempt to communicate with society at large as the agents of a logic taught them by the military. Their intellectual framework and practices are illuminating when considering the continuities between the Taisho period, whose image is one of strong anti-war and peace ideology, and the subsequent institutions of wartime mobilization.}, pages = {227--240}, title = {第一次大戦後における一年現役兵教育}, volume = {108}, year = {2003}, yomi = {イチノセ, トシヤ} }