@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001234, author = {今尾, 文昭 and Imao, Fumiaki}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 奈良盆地の郷墓が、近世以前の墓地に遡源することは多く指摘されるところである。郷墓の経営は複数の村で構成された墓郷によって行われるが、その枠組みと水郷・山郷・宮郷あるいは国人郷との関連が説かれている。しかし、こういったさまざまな地域的、歴史的枠組みが現実にはそのまま墓郷の枠組みに適応できない場合が多い。実際の墓郷の形成過程には多様な状況があり、それが作用したことに原因があると考える。墓郷形成の前提、過程を個別に検討して、今後の類型化に備えることが目下の課題であろう。 一例として奈良盆地のほぼ中央に位置する磯城郡川西町結崎墓地の墓郷に注目した。結崎墓地の墓郷は寺川を挟んだ広域な範囲に及び、大和でも最大級の規模となっている。まず文献史料から中世後半期における結崎の範囲の復元に努め、現在の墓郷範囲にほぼ重複することを指摘した。つまり墓郷集団の地域的枠組みが、一三世紀後葉以前に存在した可能性を示した。次にこの地域的枠組みの実態を示す歴史的事業として、寺川の付け替えについて言及した。寺川は結崎付近では、古代道路の筋違道(太子道)に重なる直線の流路となっている。近年の考古学調査で、その旧流路と推断できる河道の検出がなされたことと、現地形観察から旧流路を推定復元した。文献史料も援用して付け替え時期を一二世紀後葉から一三世紀中葉にあると推測した。寺川の付け替え事業は治水、灌漑、耕地、交通の再編成を企図したものであったと推察されるが、地域の拠点施設に変革をもたらしたことも想像に難くない。もちろん墓郷集団の先駆ともいうべき集団は、その渦中にあった。 次に結崎墓地の地理上の位置について検討した。⑴大和の広域条里地割の施工域の周縁にある。⑵この広域条里地割施工域の周縁が生み出されたことと、寺川の付け替え事業に関連性がある。⑶結崎墓地を通る南北方向の同一軸線上(磯城郡、平群郡の条里坪境界に相当)に信仰、交通上の要衝施設を見いだすことができる。すなわち、北に向かって結崎墓地―梅戸橋(もとの結崎寺、寺川の渡河点ヵ)―板屋ヶ瀬橋(大和川の渡河点)―阿土墓地―良福寺の計画的配置がある。⑷これらは、律宗の活動拠点として史料にみえる。 結崎墓地の墓郷の地域的枠組みが一三世紀代に形成されたこと、郷墓に計画的配置されたものがある可能性、墓郷範囲を越えた広域な範囲を対象とした土地用途の吟味、選択のなかでそれが実行された可能性、結崎墓地の墓郷集団の形成過程に律宗の活動が関与したことなどを指摘した。, It is often pointed out the local graveyards in the Nara basin can be traced back to graveyards from before the Early Modern period. The running of a local graveyard was carried out by the several villages that formed a graveyard village, and this framework is explained in relation to water villages, mountain villages and shrine village and also villages in the entire province (国人郷). However, there are many instances in which this kind of regional and historical framework does not correspond with the actual facts. There are diverse circumstances at play in the process of the formation of an actual graveyard village, and it is these which cause its formation. When examining the individual preconditions and process of the formation of graveyard villages, the present challenge is to provide classifications for future use. As one example, I turned my attention to the Yuzaki graveyard, in Kawanishi-machi, Shiki-gun situated more or less in the center of the Nara basin. The village around Yuzaki graveyard extends over a wide area on both sides of the Terakawa River and is also the largest size for a village even for Yamato. First, using historical materials I endeavored to restore Yuzaki's scope to what it had been in the second half of the Medieval period, which turned out to be virtually a replication of the scope of the village today. Namely, it indicated the possibility that the regional framework of the village group had existed before the second half of the 13th century. Next, I refer to the rerouting of the Terakawa River as an historical project that illustrates the actual conditions of this regional framework. Near Yuzaki, Terakawa River becomes a straight waterway that runs along an ancient road called the SUJICHIGAI-do (Taishi-do). Archeological investigations in recent years have detected a river course that can be concluded to be the former waterway, and the former waterway has been restored from observations of its present topography. Using historical materials as well, it is estimated that the rerouting of the waterway took place from the latter part of the 12th century through to the middle of the 13th century. It is suspected that the rerouting of the Terakawa River was for a deliberate reorganization of flood control, irrigation, arable land and transportation, though it is not difficult to imagine that it also brought change to basic facilities in the region. Of course, the groups that should be called the forerunners of the village were caught up in all this. Next, I examined the geographical position of Yuzaki graveyard. 1) It was on the rim of a large area of land in Yamato that was systematically divided. 2) The emergence of a rim of the large area of land that was systematically divided is related to rerouting of the Terakawa River. 3) Strategic religious and transport facilities can be found along an axis that runs in a north to south direction through the Yuzaki graveyard (equivalent to the border of the systematically divided land in Shiki-gun and Heguri-gun). In other words, when facing north one finds the strategically located sequence of the Yuzaki graveyard, Umedo bridge (formerly Yuzaki Temple and a crossing point over the Terakawa River), Itayagase bridge (a crossing point over the Yamato River, ADO graveyard and then Ryofuku-ji temple. 4) Historical materials reveal that these were bases for the activities of the Ritsu Sect. In summation, we may conclude the following. The regional framework for the village around Yuzaki graveyard was formed in the 13th century, it is possible that the village was intentionally located around the graveyard, it is possible that this option was taken amid investigations into land use that looked at a large area that exceeded the bounds of the village, and that the activities of the Ritsu Sect contributed to the process of formation of the village around the Yuzaki graveyard.}, pages = {89--117}, title = {墓郷形成の前提 : 大和・結崎墓地の周辺(第一部 地域社会におけるカミ祭祀と葬墓制)}, volume = {112}, year = {2004}, yomi = {イマオ, フミアキ} }