@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001240, author = {関口, 慶久 and Sekiguchi, Norihisa}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿は、これまで民俗学的手法によって研究が行われてきた近世の「家」というテーマに対し、考古資料を主軸とした分析によってどこまで肉迫できるのかを、仙台領伊達藩における豪農であった大室鈴木家(現岩手県前沢町)に関わる歴史資料をモデルとして、模索しようとする試みである。 筆者は大室鈴木家墓地の墓標調査と鈴木家所蔵の「大室鈴木家過去帳」の調査を行い、葬制関連資料を中心とした分析を行った。 まず墓標調査の成果としては、大室鈴木家墓地における墓標造立数の変遷は、一九世紀前後と一九世紀第2四半期にピークが認められ、形式の変遷は、一八世紀後半にC類(割石形)→B(円礫形)・C・D類(頭部カマボコ形)への変化が認められた。 つぎに墓標と過去帳の双方の分析では、天明期以後、宗家である大室鈴木家の過去帳には記載されていない死者の墓標が、鈴木家墓地に次々と造立され、反対に、天明以前は過去帳に記載されながら、墓標を造立されなかった家族が多く存在したことが判明した。すなわち大室鈴木家の墓標造立は、天明期以後、鈴木家当主の近親以外の者にも、広くなされていたのである。 このような墓標造立数と墓標形式・被造立者層の画期の時期差は、墓標造立数の増減が災害などの広汎な範囲での変化に関わっており、また近世から近代の大きなうねりのなかで理解しなければいけないことを物語っている。そして墓標形式や造立者層の変化は、「家」の変化に呼応していることが判明した。このことは鈴木家の来歴および大室鈴木家の旧屋敷跡における二次にわたる発掘調査成果からも肯定できるものである。 以上の分析結果は、墓標それ自体の評価にとどまるわけではなく、墓標から読み取ることのできるデータを材料とした「家」そして地域社会の動向を窺うための基礎的理解として位置づけることができるであろう。, This paper is an attempt to explore the extent to which a study centered on archeological materials is able to close in on studies of Early Modern Ie (households) that have been undertaken to date using the method of examining folk customs, from the example of the Omuro Suzuki household, a wealthy farming family belonging to the Date domain of the Sendai fief (present-day Maesawa-cho, Iwate Prefecture. My investigation centered on a survey of the grave markers at the Omuro Suzuki family's graveyard, a study the Records of the Omuro Suzuki Family in the possession of the Suzuki family, and materials related to the funeral system. This investigation revealed that changes in the number of grave markers erected in the Omuro Suzuki family graveyard occurred around the 19th century and peaked in the second quarter of the 19th century. As for changes in their form, in the second half of the 18th century Type C (processed natural stone) was replaced by Type B (unprocessed natural stone), followed by a change to Type C-D (top part is semi-cylindrical). An analysis of both grave markers and family records showed that after the Tenmei era (1781-89) the grave markers of the dead who were not recorded in the records of the Omuro Suzuki family, the head family, were erected in the Suzuki family graveyard, and that conversely, there were many family members who despite being recorded in the records before the Tenmei era did not have grave markers. In other words, after the Tenmei era the erection of Omuro Suzuki family grave markers was extended to include others besides the close relatives of the head of the Suzuki family. With respect to number of grave markers that were erected, the rise and fall in their number are affected by a wide range of changes such as the occurrence of natural disasters and must be understood in the context of the huge changes that were taking place as the Early Modern period gave way to the Modern period. As for the style of the grave markers and the changes over time in the stratum of people for whom they were erected, from the history of the Suzuki family and the findings of two excavation surveys of the remains of the Omuro Suzuki family's former residence it is clear that these concord with changes that were occurring to the Ie system. Consequently, we need not limit studies to the evaluation the grave markers themselves, as they can be described as a vital first step for understanding trends in the Ie system and in local communities, made possible through materials that contain data that have been deciphered from grave markers.}, pages = {465--484}, title = {近世東北の「家」と墓 : 岩手県前沢町大室鈴木家の墓標と過去帳(第二部 基層信仰の諸相)}, volume = {112}, year = {2004}, yomi = {セキグチ, ノリヒサ} }