@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001270, author = {栗田, 則久 and Kurita, Norihisa}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 大原幽学によって、天保年間に下総地方東部の農村を舞台に展開していった性学という思想については、先学諸氏によって研究されてきたところであるが、この思想が在地の伝統的習俗である墓地にどのように反映しているか、山田町府間地区に所在する帰命台地区・小日向地区二か所の性学墓の測量調査を通してみてみると、村の伝統的墓制に適合していくという意識はなかったようである。両地区に共通する長方形を意図した規模の大きな土塁築造、性学型墓石の採用、男女を区別した埋葬など、それまでの村の伝統的な墓地にはみられない独自の新しい葬制を採り入れている。そこには、村の中での性学の合理的思想の浸透とはまた違った意味で、墓制という伝統的習俗までは踏み込むことができなった一側面が存在していたことが考えられる。, A number of scholars have previously conducted research on the Sei-gaku beliefs that were developed by OHARA Yugaku in rural villages in the eastern part of the Shimousa region during Tenpo period (1830-1843). However, as a result of conducting an examination by means of a survey of Sei-gaku graves in the two locations of the Kimyodai quarter and the Kohinata quarter of Fuma district in Yamada village to determine in what way these beliefs are reflected in graveyards, a traditional custom, it would appear that there was no conscious attempt to fit in with the traditional village grave system. The same new system of burial was adopted in both quarters, which saw phenomena such as the construction of large-scale earthen mounds designed in an oblong shape, the adoption of tombstones in the Sei-gaku style, and the separate burial of men and women, things that until that time had not been seen in traditional graveyards. It is conceivable that in a different sense from the penetration of the practical beliefs of Sei-gaku among the village, there existed on one level something that prevented Sei-gaku from penetrating as far as the traditional custom of a grave system.}, pages = {83--100}, title = {香取郡山田町所在性学墓の測量調査報告(大原幽学と性学教団)}, volume = {115}, year = {2004}, yomi = {クリタ, ノリヒサ} }