@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001272, author = {朴澤, 直秀 and Houzawa, Naohide}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿では、大原幽学により先祖株組合が組織された下総国香取郡諸徳寺村の天台宗永命寺の、門徒(寺格の低い末寺)から末寺への昇格をめぐる、諸徳寺村と、永命寺の本寺である溝原村東栄寺との間に起きた争論をとりあげた。この争論は宝永四年から正徳三年まで続き、本山寛永寺への訴訟を経て内済に至った。従来諸徳寺村の百姓は、永命寺の宗判檀家であって、葬儀の際の引導は東栄寺から受ける「両菩提寺」という状況であった。だが内済の結果、諸徳寺村の百姓の大部分が、東栄寺と永命寺との双方を檀那寺とする男女別寺檀制の寺檀関係を結ぶこととなった。また、永命寺の昇格も認められた。周辺地域では男女別墓制・男女別寺檀制の存在が知られ、また、性学と、墓制の変更との関係も注目されている。勿論、男女別墓制と男女別寺檀制とは直結するわけではない。しかし、本稿を、性学以前における、当該地域の祖先祭祀を巡る習俗、あるいはそこに影響する村と寺との関係を明らかにする基礎作業として位置付けることができるだろう。 本一件の分析を通じて、当該期における宗判寺檀関係の流動性、「両菩提寺」慣行が存在していたこと、そして、争論の当事者から、天台宗の宗務を統轄する寛永寺の執当に至るまで、男女別寺檀制の寺檀関係に対する違和感を持っていたことが認められないこと、男女別寺檀制の寺檀関係の創出に当たって意図的に本寺を男性の檀那寺、末寺を女性の檀那寺としていることなどが確認された。, This paper looks at the dispute that arose in Shotokuji village in Katori-gun, Shimousa Province, the region where the Senzo-kabu Kumiai union of OHARA Yugaku was organized. The dispute arose over the promotion of the village's Eimei-ji temple, a branch-temple of low standing belonging to the Tendai Sect, to a higher ranking branch-temple by parishioners, and involved Shotokuji village and Toei-ji temple in Mizowara village, which is the superior temple to Eimei-ji temple. The dispute continued from 1707 to 1713 and was settled privately after action was brought against Honzan Kanei-ji head temple. The farming families in Shotokuji village had been parishioners of Eimei-ji temple and when funerals took place rites that lead the deceased to Buddhahood were received from Toei-ji temple as well. However, as a result of the private settlement, the majority of the farming families of Shotokuji village formed links with Toei-ji temple and Eimei-ji temple and made both family temples under a system where one was for male parishioners and the other for female parishioners. There was also acknowledgement of the promotion of Eimei-ji temple. A separate system of graves for men and women and a system of separate temples for men and women is known to have existed in surrounding regions. In addition, attention has also been paid to the relationship between Sei-gaku and changes to the grave system. Of course, the two systems of separate graves for men and women and separate temples for men and women are not directly linked. Nonetheless, this paper is a preliminary work that attempts to reveal customs related to ancestor worship in this region and the effect that the relationship between the villages and temples had on this at a time prior to the emergence of Sei-gaku. The following findings have come to light in the course of analyzing this dispute: the existence of the custom of dual family temples and the fluidity of the relationships between temples and parishioners during this period, the absence of recognition among those involved in the dispute, including the person responsible for handling the affairs of Kanei-ji temple which controls the affairs of the Tendai sect, of any incongruity surrounding the system of separate temples for male and female parishioners, and the deliberate action taken to designate the superior temple the temple for male parishioners and the branch-temple the temple for female parishioners in the course of the creation of a relationship between temples where there is a system of separate temples for men and women.}, pages = {129--137}, title = {諸徳寺村永命寺末寺引直し一件(大原幽学と性学教団)}, volume = {115}, year = {2004}, yomi = {ホウザワ, ナオヒデ} }