@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001274, author = {岩田, みゆき and Iwata, Miyuki}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿は、近世中期以降大地曳網漁業が展開した九十九里浜沿岸村落における質地金融と、それにともなう土地移動の実態と性格を明らかにしたものである。この分析を通じて、漁業を主たる生業とする集落の人々にとっての土地所有の意味や、質地金融という側面における村人の交流の実態を知るための一助としたい。本稿で分析の対象とした史料は、九十九里浜の中心部にあたる粟生村の網元飯高家に残された天保六年から明治初年にかけての三冊の「田畑奥印帳」である。これらの「田畑奥印帳」の分析から以下の点が明らかとなった。まず質入の特徴をみると、質入地の大半が下田・下畑・下々畑であり、しかも一筆あたりの質入反別は細分化されていた。また、必ずしも借金の金額と土地の広さ・等級は比例していなかった。さらに注目すべきは借金が返済できずに流地になったものは極めてわずかであり、質地請返しの方をみてみると、質地の大半が質入者によって請戻されていたことが予想された。質入・質請の地域的広がりをみると、粟生村を中心に周辺村落にまで広がり、粟生村村内でみると、納屋集落のものへの質入件数が多くみられた。また質入・質請の両方に名を出しているものが全体の三〇%みられ、その中には飯高家の水主や小作人、納屋集落のものも含まれていた。このような状況が可能であったのは、ひとたび大漁であれば、地域全体の生活を潤し、水主や小作人であっても大金がころがりこむような状況の中で、わずかな土地を一時的には質入はするものの、漁があれば質入した土地の請返しが可能な状況が遅くとも天保期にはこの九十九里には存在していたからである。これらの点は従来の小作人あるいは水主のイメージを再考する上でも重要であろう。, This paper sheds light on mortgage finance along the Kujukuri coast where tow net fishing was developed beginning in the middle of the Early Modern Period and the situation and nature of land transfer that accompanied this mortgage finance. This study will help us understand the significance of land ownership for the villagers whose main occupation was fishing and mortgage finance with respect to the interaction of villagers. The historical materials used in this study consist of three volumes of land records dating from 1835 through to the early Meiji period called Denpata-okuincho, that have been left behind by the Iitaka family from Ao village situated in the middle of the Kujukuri coast who operated a fishing business. The following facts have come to light as a result of a study of these land records. First, one notable feature of mortgaged land is that most mortgaged land consisted of poor quality rice fields and that each entry is accompanied by details of the mortgaged land area. Further, there is not necessarily a correlation between the value of the loan and the size and grade of the land. Another aspect deserving attention is that there were extremely few cases where the loan was unable to be repaid resulting in a change in land ownership. We may conjecture from an examination of the return of mortgaged land that the majority of mortgaged land was returned to those who took out mortgages on their land. A look at the regional distribution of mortgages and repayments reveals that they centered around Ao village and extended to surrounding settlements. An examination of the situation within Ao village shows that many mortgages were held by people from the so-called Naya settlements. Names of both the mortgagor and mortgagee are listed in 30% of cases, and these include fishing hands and tenant farmers belonging to the Iitaka family, and people living in Naya settlements. Repayment was possible because if there was a huge catch, people across the whole region became prosperous so that huge sums of money fell into the hands of even fishing hands and tenant farmers. In such circumstances, even though they had temporarily mortgaged a small area of land, it was possible to redeem this mortgaged land if there was a good catch, a custom that existed in Kujukuri as late as the middle of the eighteenth century. These aspects are important when reconsidering the existing portrayal of tenant farmers and fishing hands.}, pages = {193--208}, title = {九十九里浜大地曳網漁業地帯における土地移動の実態と性格 : 飯高家文書「田畑奥印帳」の検討(東総村落社会史)}, volume = {115}, year = {2004}, yomi = {イワタ, ミユキ} }