@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001275, author = {木塚, 久仁子 and Kizuka, Kuniko}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 常陸国新治郡土浦町は、東崎町と中城町という二つの町から成っている。本論では東崎町において安政二(一八五五)年に行われた検地の事例を紹介する。安政二年、土浦藩は藩財政の窮乏に対する年貢増徴政策のひとつとして町方の反対を押しきってこれを断行した。 この検地において三人の人物に注目した。そのひとり色川三中(一八〇五〜五五)は中城町の商家に生まれた。国学研究にいそしみ、特に度量衡や田制、古代の枡の研究を究め、自らが居住する町の検地が不当なものであることを立証しようとした。 三中の朋友であった長嶋尉信(一七八〇〜一八六七)は土浦藩領常陸国新治郡小田村出身の百姓でありながら江戸で測量術や暦学を学び、田制研究の功績が認められ天保十(一八三九)年水戸藩に取り立てられた。天保十四年には土浦藩に仕官替えとなり、嘉永五(一八五二)年には東崎町分地改御用掛として東崎・中城両町の検地において実務を担当して中心的な役割を果たした。 そしてもう一人、内田佐左衛門(一八〇六〜五八)は東崎町の問屋と町年寄を勤める家に生まれた。天保八(一八三七)年、土浦町で起きた持合金に関する騒動で小前百姓の立場で名主らと対立した佐左衛門は町役人を罷免され、隠居後は関東取締出役の道案内として働き、安政二年の検地においては長嶋尉信に協力しもう一人の検地の立役者となっていく。 同じ時期に土浦町を生きた三人の、検地への対応と論理はそれぞれの生き方と思考に基づくものであった。特に内田佐左衛門においてこの検地は、持合金騒動、関東取締出役の道案内に続いて佐左衛門が歴史上登場するいわば第三の舞台であり、土浦町が生んだ顔役としてのあり方を体現するものであった。, This paper introduces taxation surveys that were carried out in Tsuchiura-machi, Niihari-gun, Hitachi Province during 1855. These surveys were carried out by the Tsuchiura fief despite opposition from local inhabitants at the end of the Edo Period as a means of increasing tax revenues to supplement the poor state of the fiefs finances. Particular attention is given to three individuals involved in these taxation surveys. One of them, IROKAWA Minaka (1805-1855) was born into a merchant family in Tsuchiura. He was a devoted student of Kokugaku or Japanese classics, with a particular interest in the art of surveying, the rice field system and ancient measuring instruments. This interest was sparked by moves to conduct taxation surveys in the village where he lived and was motivated by his desire to prove that the taxation surveys were unjust. Minaka's friend NAGASHIMA Yasunobu (1780-1867) learnt survey techniques and studied the almanac at the Edo capital even though he was from a farming family in Oda village, Niihari-gun in Hitachi Province that was under the control of the Tsuchiura fief. Earning recognition for his study of the rice field system, he was employed by the Mito fief in 1839. In 1843 he became an official under the employ of the Tsuchiura fief and in 1852 he played a central role as an official engaged in the reform of land distribution in Tozaki-machi that put him in charge of the taxation surveys undertaken in both Tozaki-machi and Nakajo-machi. The third person is UCHIDA Sazaemon (1806-1858), who was born into a family that had been merchants and town elders in Tozaki-machi for many generations. In 1837 he came into conflict with the town elite when he sided with the tenant farmers during an uproar concerning shared funds in Tsuchiura, whereupon he was dismissed by the town officials. After he left this job he worked as a guide for the Kanto authorities, and working together with NAGASHIMA Yasunobu on taxation surveys he became a key player working behind the scenes of the taxation surveys. The responses and beliefs of these three inhabitants of Tsuchiura during the same period were based on each of their lives and ways of thinking. In the case of UCHIDA Sazaemon in particular, his roles in the uproar over the shared funds and as a guide for the Kanto authorities was followed by his third appearance in the pages of local history due to his involvement in the taxation surveys, making him the embodiment of an influential man hailing from Tsuchiura.}, pages = {209--223}, title = {安政期常陸国土浦町における検地 : その顚末と意義(東総村落社会史)}, volume = {115}, year = {2004}, yomi = {キヅカ, クニコ} }