@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001282, author = {井上, 淳 and Inoue, Jun}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 文化一一年(一八一四)に宇和島藩領の宇和郡八代村(愛媛県八幡浜市)八尺神社の神職の家に生まれた堅庭は、地元の八幡浜本町の医師二宮春祥に医学を学んだ後、嘉永元年(一八四八)には長崎におもむき蘭方医楢林宗建のもとで蘭医学を本格的に学んだ。その後、嘉永三年(一八五〇)から亡くなる明治一〇年(一八七七)にかけて八幡浜と八代村で地域医療に従事した。堅庭が医療を行った幕末期、八幡浜地域では患者が望めば複数の医師の治療を受けることができる条件が整いつつあった。そうしたなか堅庭は、「薬品之儀ハ医術之根元」という精神のもと、よりよい薬を求めて医療にあたり、嘉永五年(一八五二)に宇和島藩で種痘が始まった際には、他の在村医とともに藩領全体への種痘の普及を地域で支える役割を果たした。 本居派の国学・和歌も学んだ堅庭は、嘉永六年(一八五三)から明治六年(一八七三)にかけて私塾を開き近隣の約三百名の子弟を教えるなど、自らが身に付けた知識を地域に広める活動も行った。その最も特筆される活動に、八尺神社内に私設図書館の王子文庫を創設したことがあげられる。安政六年(一八五九)に二間四方瓦葺きの建物が完成し、漢学・国学・蘭医学など幅広い分野の書物が千冊以上も集められた。王子文庫は堅庭の蔵書を主体としつつも、近隣の庄屋や地方文人のネットワークで多くの書物が奉納されており、それらの書物は広く地域に公開された。 これまで在村蘭方医の研究は医療を中心に進められてきたが、堅庭の事例からは、在村蘭方医が医療にとどまらず、自らが学んだ知識を地域に還元していく社会的な存在であったことが見えてきた。また、神職で国学を学んだ堅庭が医師となり、蘭医学を学んでいることは、堅庭のなかで国学と蘭学とが両立していたことを示している。その両立には、国学を中心に据えつつも、漢学と洋学の三学綜合の大学を設立しようとする明治二年(一八六九)の大学構想に示された精神に近似するものがある。, This paper examines the medical activities and social activities of Seike Kataniwa, a village physician in Yashiro village in the Uwajima feudal domain (Yawatahama City, Ehime Prefecture). Kataniwa was born into a family of Shinto priests working at Yasaka Jinja shrine in Yashiro village in 1814. After studying medicine with Ninomiya Shunshou, a physician in Kataniwa's native Yawatahama-honmachi, Kataniwa headed for Nagasaki in 1848 where he became engaged in an intensive study of Western medicine under the tutelage of Narabayashi Souken. Afterward, he spent from 1850 until the time of his death in 1877 working as a regional physician in Yawatahama and Yashiro village. During the period at the end of the Edo Era when Kataniwa was practicing medicine, conditions were being established in the Yawatahama region that enabled patients to receive treatment from a number of physicians if they so desired. As one of them, Kataniwa applied himself to medicine and sought effective medicines under the motto “medicinal remedies are the foundation of the art of medicine” and in 1852 when the Uwajima feudal domain started vaccinations he and other village physicians fulfilled a supporting role in the adoption of vaccinations over the entire territory of the feudal domain. Kataniwa had also studied Kokugaku and classical poetry following the Motoori Norinaga school and between 1853 and 1873 he opened a private school and was active in spreading around the region the knowledge that he himself had learned through activities such as teaching approximately 300 students from the local area. His most notable activity was building a private library known as Oji Bunko in the grounds of Yasaka Jinja shrine. In 1859 he completed a two-roomed tile-roofed building where he housed more than a thousand books from a variety of fields spanning Chinese studies, Japanese studies (Kokugaku), and Western medicine. Although Oji Bunko consisted mainly of Kataniwa's own collection of books, a great many books were donated through the network of local village officials and the region's intellectuals, and these books were made available throughout the region. Research conducted into physicians practicing Western medicine in rural villages to date has mainly concentrated on their medicine. However, as shown by the example of Kataniwa, the activities of these physicians were not limited to medicine as it has become clear that they played a social role in which they put back into their local regions the knowledge they had acquired. The fact that Kataniwa had learned Kokugaku as a Shinto priest, became a physician and learned Western medicine indicates that for Kataniwa traditional Japanese studies and Western medicine were compatible. This compatibility is similar to the spirit demonstrated in the concept of a university in 1873 when steps were being taken to establish a university that combined the three spheres of learning, Chinese studies, Japanese studies and Western studies, albeit with a concentration on Japanese studies.}, pages = {127--154}, title = {幕末期在村蘭方医の医療と社会活動 : 清家堅庭の足跡(第二部 蘭学の地域的展開と交流)}, volume = {116}, year = {2004}, yomi = {イノウエ, ジュン} }