@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001287, author = {土佐, 博文 and Tosa, Hirofumi}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 蘭方医佐藤泰然によって佐倉本町に開かれた蘭医学塾佐倉順天堂には、日本各地から多くの塾生が集まり、その数は数千を数えたという。しかしながら、一部の有名な人物以外の全体像については必ずしも明らかにされていない。これは適塾などのように、全時期にわたってまとまった形で門人帳が残されていないという史料的制約によるものである。また、多くの門人名については村上一郎氏の著書『蘭医佐藤泰然』にも挙げられているが、出身地の記載がなく追跡調査には困難を伴う状況である。 そのような状況において、本稿では、一時期の門人の状況を示すものではあるが、門人の出身地が記載されたものとして貴重である、慶応元年閏五月の『佐倉順天塾社中姓名録』をもとにした門人の追跡調査の結果に基づき、詳細が判明した門人について紹介し、その全国的な広がりについて考察する。 また、調査によって門人の子孫の所在が確認できた、佐倉藩医で明治以降軍医として活躍する西友輔と、明治期に官界で活躍する茨城県千代川村出身の塚原周造の関係史料について紹介する。 最後に、調査の過程において塚原周造関係史料のなかからみつかった、彼が順天堂在塾中に作成したと考えられる『順天塾姓名録』について紹介する。これによって、従来知られている門人帳と比較検討してその分析を試みる。, Many students from around Japan thought to number in their thousands gathered at Sakura Juntendo, a school of Western medicine opened in Motomachi, Sakura by Sato Taizen, a practitioner of Western medicine. Still, apart from some well-known figures, an overall picture of the school is not necessarily clear. Just as in the case of Ogata Koan's Tekijuku, another medical school in Osaka, this is due to constraints relating to historical materials because of the lack of extant student records covering its entire history. Although many of the student's names have been cited in Ichiro Murakami's “Ran'i Sato Taizen” (The Western Physician Sato Taizen), the absence of records of their place of origin makes it difficult to undertake a survey to track down these students. It is under such circumstances that this paper presents the situation of students for a certain period, for which the recording of places of origin for these students is indeed valuable. Thus, this paper introduces students for which details are available and examines their diffusion throughout the country on the basis of the findings of a survey undertaken on students who were recorded in the Sakura Juntenjuku Shachu Seimeiroku (Juntendo School Register of Names) dating from May 1865. This paper also introduces historical materials related to Nishi Tomosuke, a physician for the Sakura feudal domain who was active as a military physician in the Meiji Period, and Tsukahara Shuzo, a native of Chiyokawa village in Ibaraki Prefecture who was an official during the Meiji Period. In the case of both these students it was possible through the survey to confirm the whereabouts of their descendents. Lastly, I introduce the Juntenjuku Seimeiroku (Junten School Name Register) which was found among materials relating to Tsukahara Shuzo in the course of the survey and which he is believed to have compiled while at Juntendo. This has been used to make a study by conducting a comparative study with student records whose existence has been known about for some time.}, pages = {255--274}, title = {佐倉順天堂門人とその広がり : 門人帳にみる門人とその史料をめぐって(第二部 蘭学の地域的展開と交流)}, volume = {116}, year = {2004}, yomi = {トサ, ヒロフミ} }