@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001338, author = {酒井, 茂幸 and Sakai, Shigeyuki}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿は、貞享年間から正徳・享保年間に至るまでの、霊元院の禁裏・仙洞における歌書の書写史・蔵書史を、公家の古記録や古歌書目録類に基づき叙述し、霊元院の歌書書写の動機や具体相を追究したものである。まず、近時明らかになった貞享二年(一六八五)四月・五月の冷泉家本の大規模な書写活動が特筆される。その後、本来は、東山天皇の禁裏文庫に譲渡されるはずであった霊元院所蔵の歌書は、霊元院仙洞に留まったため、膨大な蔵書量となった。さらに、宝永末年頃から正徳初めに企画された『新類題和歌集』編纂事業は、霊元院の歌書の収集・書写活動を必然的に活発化させた。歌書が貞享二年四月五月から享保末年の『新類題和歌集』成立までに、霊元院が集めた個別の歌書の書写、及び『新類題和歌集』編纂のための抜書や清書本作成に当たった公家衆の廷臣は、和歌の家の冷泉・藤谷・飛鳥井・三条西・中院、及び能書の家の清水谷・持明院が中核であった。それらの家業の公家に加えて、押小路・桑原・久世・武者小路・烏丸らが「書写御用」のメンバーであった。こうした公家衆により禁裏本・仙洞御所本の書写や『新類題和歌集』編纂のための工房が形成されていたと思量される。すなわち、常連の公家衆が典籍の書写の御用のみならず、『新類題和歌集』の編纂に当たって伺候し、並行して選歌資料を探求していたのである。転写本を作成するため歌書を献上させたり借出させたりする先としては、無論冷泉家が多かったであろうが、時期が下るにつれ、中院家・日野家・烏丸家等が所持する歌書にも関心を寄せ、献上・書写させていたことが当時の公家の記録から窺える。一方、歌書を所持する歌道家の人物は、院の廷臣として他の家業の公家衆とも交じり、歌書や記録といったジャンルを超え、時には他家の歌書の書写に関わっていたのである。, This paper examines the history of transcription of books on poetry and the history of poetry collections in the Reigen imperial palace from the Jokyo period (1684-88) through the Shotoku and Kyoho periods (1711-1736) based on the records of court nobles and catalogs of poetry books. It also investigates reasons for the transcription of books on poetry at Reigen palace and describes what took place. Essentially, because books on poetry held at Reigen palace that were supposed to have been transferred to Emperor Higashiyama's palace library stayed at Reigen palace, the collection of books swelled in size. In addition, the project of compiling the “Shinruidai Wakashu” (“New Collection of Poems on Various Themes”) planned from around the end of the Hoei period (1704-1711) to early in the Shotoku period (1711-1716) necessarily enlivened activities on the collection and transcription of poetry books held at Reigen palace. The transcription of individual poetry books and the removal of some sections and the correction of texts for the “Shinruidai Wakashu” that the Reigen palace promoted and for which it collected books took place from around April-May 1685 through to the end of the Kyoho period. Court nobles involved in these activities primarily belonged to the Reizei, Fujitani, Asukai, Sanjonishi and Nakanoin families, which were families of poets, and the Shimizudani and Jimyoin families, which were families of calligraphic artists. In addition to court nobles belonging to these families, members from the Oshikoji, Kuwabara, Kuze, Mushanokoji and Karasumaru families also took part in these transcription activities. It is believed that an office was created for the transcription of books held in the Reigen palace collection and for the compilation of the “Shinruidai Wakashu.” Namely, regular court nobles not only worked on transcription but also reported for duties involving the compilation of the “Shinruidai Wakashu” and went searching for selections of poems. We may presume that many of the books on poetry handed over and lent for compiling these transcriptions came from the Reizei family. However, from records of court nobles from that time we learn that as time passed there was an increasing amount of interest in books owned by the Nakanoin, Hino and Karasumaru families, and that these too were handed over and transcribed. These persons from families of poets who owned poetry books mixed with court nobles from other professions as part of their palace duties. Consequently, their duties extended beyond writing poetry and records, so that at times they were involved with the transcription of books on poetry from other families.}, pages = {131--162}, title = {霊元院仙洞における歌書の書写活動について}, volume = {121}, year = {2005}, yomi = {サカイ, シゲユキ} }