@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001342, author = {北原, 糸子 and Kitahara, Itoko}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 史蹟名勝天然紀念物法(1919)に基づいて,明治天皇が巡幸,行幸で訪れた場所や建物などが明治天皇聖蹟として,国の文化財に指定された。この聖蹟関係史跡に顕著な傾向は,戦前に指定された史蹟,名勝,天然紀念物1,508件のうちの史蹟603件中,377件と圧倒的多数を占めたことである。しかし,これらの文化財は天皇制イデオロギーを支えるものとして,占領下のGHQによって,1948年6月23日文化財指定から一斉に解除された。 しかし,指定解除後半世紀以上を経て,史跡そのものは存在しなくなっても,史跡を顕彰する石標などはそのまま残されているものが多い。このあり方のうちに,戦前の天皇制に対する地域社会の対応が示されていると考える。本論では,聖蹟保存運動に中心的役割を果たした華族,学者らが東京府においておこした初発の具体的動きを追いつつ,聖蹟指定から解除の経緯を追い,文化財指定解除後もなぜこうした石標が存続するのか,この運動の歴史的経緯と結末を具体的に明らかにし,現在のあり方も含め,検証することを主眼とした。, This paper discusses how the cultural properties of historic sites connected with Emperor Meiji had been designated by the Japanese Government before the World War II, and how they were cancelled according to the order of GHQ, and what they are now. Here it follows the case of Tokyo prefecture, because it represents the governmental policy which had been framing up to heighten and strengthen her own nationality by Tennoism. The Historic Sites connected with Emperor Meiji had been designated in conformity with the Historic Sites, Scenic Places, and Natural History Preserves Preservation Law (1919) chiefly between 1933 and 1937, and placed under its care for preservation. The number of these historic sites occupied more than 60% of the total number of the designated historic sites (377/603) before the World War II. These cultural properties were connected with the visiting places or temporary residences and short rests on the way all around Japan at the time of his travel of the early Meiji era. However, under American occupation, GHQ decided on June 23 1948 that the designation of those historic sites connected with Emperor Meiji should entirely be cancelled because they well preserved the spirit of the state of the old constitution. Now in Japan, we can still recognize the many stone marks commemorating the places where Emperor Meiji had visited. We can not help but conceive why they have still been erected though they were ordered to be cancelled by the Government. This blur situation seems to be the real attitude of the present Japanese society toward Tennoism after the World War II.}, pages = {285--338}, title = {東京府における明治天皇聖蹟指定と解除の歴史}, volume = {121}, year = {2005}, yomi = {キタハラ, イトコ} }