@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001370, author = {出口, 晶子 and Deguchi, Akiko}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本論文は、新潟県北部の荒川をフィールドに、一九九〇年代初頭以降に生じたサクラマス漁をめぐる諸変化をたどり、今日の川と人のありかたを論じている。海で過ごしたサクラマスは、秋の産卵にさきだって一月ころより徐々に川へのぼりだし、春にその遡上ピークをもっている。川へあがった春マスは身に脂がのり、しかも川の水を飲んで一層おいしくなるとされ、海で漁獲されるものよりはるかに高値で取引されてきた。 川でのマス漁は刺網漁で、流域住民で構成される漁業協同組合員のなかから毎年二五名程度が行使料を払ってこれに従事する。簡単にはとれにくく、川一番の高級魚であるサクラマスにたいし、川漁師はその生態にかかわる民俗知識を蓄積し、また淀みをえるための人工的な構造物(アテ)に工夫をこらすなど、互いに競い合ってマスとりの技能を磨いている。他方、組合ではマス漁をめぐって生じる上下流域の不平等を緩和し、ゆきすぎた漁法を禁止するなどし、流域内の調整を図ってきた。 サクラマスは、シロザケにくらべて遡上から産卵までの間、川に長く棲息し、孵化したのちも一―二年川で過ごすという生態をもつ。つまり河川環境の影響をうけやすいことから、資源は著しく減少しており、かつ人工増殖が難しい魚である。その点、資源増殖に早くから着手し、春期の刺網漁を継続させてきた荒川は、サクラマスの多くとれる川として知られ、サケ一種に限定されない環境利用の多様性が当地の文化的特徴となっている。 しかしながら、近年は漁獲の減少、マスの小形化といった変化が生じるとともに、漁業権の見直しがなされた二〇〇四年には、サクラマスの遊漁(釣り)が解禁され、二〇〇人もの釣人が参画する事態を迎えた。「生活の漁」に「遊びの漁」が加わり、一気に後者の比重が高まるなか、遊漁者の受容は、上下流域の対立の新たな焦点となりつつある。今後、流域の再編が進むとしても、川とかかわり続けてきた川漁師たちの技能や経験を再認識し、遊漁一本に走らない環境利用の多様性を保証していく取り組みが求められる。, This paper will trace various changes on masu salmon (Onchorhynchus masou) fishing in the Arakawa River in the north of Niigata since the beginning of 1990s, and then will discuss how we human beings should interact with rivers at present. After living in the sea, some masu salmons start to swim upstream in January before spawning in fall, and most of them do so in spring. It is said that the so-called “spring masu salmons” in a river have fat, and river water makes them tasty. Therefore, they are traded at higher prices than masu salmon in the sea. Inhabitants along the Arakawa River basin form fishermen's cooperative association. About 25 members of the association pay fishing fees and engage in masu salmon fishing. Gillnet fishing is used for the fishing. It is difficult to catch the spring masu salmons, which are the highest-rank fish in a river. Thus river fishermen have competed with each other to get improved skills for the fishing: They have accumulated folk knowledge of their ecology and contrived to make an efficient artificial ate for slack water. On the other hand, the association has made efforts to regulate fishing within the basin: It has lessened unfairness between the upper stream reaches and the lower reaches, and has prohibited excessive ways of fishing in order to regulate fishing. Masu salmons spend time from upstream swimming to spawning in a river. They live there for longer time than dog salmons (Onchorhynchus keta). In addition, they stay in a river about a couple of years after incubation. Thus the environment in a river tends to have effects on them. The number of them is on remarkable decrease, and they are difficult to artificially propagate. Fishermen along the Arakawa River have paid attention to these points, started to propagate masu salmons, and stuck to gillnet fishing. As a result, the Arakawa River has been known as the river where a lot of masu salmons are caught. Furthermore, the fishermen have made sustainable use of the environment not for the only dog salmon propagation but for various purposes. The variety of attitudes toward the environment has been regarded as a cultural feature in the area. However, the amount of masu salmons caught has recently diminished, and the size of them has tended to be small. In addition, lure fishing for masu salmons was admitted after the right of fishery was reconsidered in 2004. Thus, about 200 people may come to fish them. That is, leisure fishing has been added to fishing for subsistence, and then the former is going to be major part of masu salmon fishing. In the near future, the acceptance of leisure fishing will result in a new conflict between the upper stream reaches and the lower reaches. Even after the reorganization of the Arakawa River basin, we should fully realize the knowledge and experience of the river fishermen because they have been concerned in the Arakawa River and have full knowledge of it. We should not focus only on the lure fishing, but guarantee the variety in the sustainable use of the environment.}, pages = {397--421}, title = {川辺の生活世界 : サクラマス漁をめぐる越後荒川の現在}, volume = {123}, year = {2005}, yomi = {デグチ, アキコ} }