@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001383, author = {宇野, 功一 and Uno, Kouiti}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 近代の博多において、大祭祇園山笠に参加できた諸町のうち、古溪町という町の社会構造と祇園山笠経営についてその実態を詳細に叙述した。同町にはとりわけ昭和一〇年代の史料が豊富に残っているので、聞き取り調査で得られた情報も交えつつ、とくにこの時期を中心に叙述した。 古溪町では道路に面した表店に居住する世帯とそれ以外の場所(裏店または表店内の借間)に居住する準世帯との間に大きな社会的格差があった。町の寄合や町役員の選挙に参加できるのは表店の世帯主だけであった。また、町費・祭礼当番費・衛生費などを負担するのも表店の世帯主だけであった。彼らだけが町の正式な構成員であったとみなせる。 日中戦争が長期化するなか、古溪町では昭和一五(一九四〇)年に町内会と隣組が設立された。そのさい、内務省の方針に従い準世帯も両組織に加えられたが、しかし両組織の役員の選挙に準世帯の世帯主は参加できなかった。 表店の優越は昭和一八(一九四三)年の祇園山笠において古溪町が山笠当番という役を勤めたときにも明瞭に示された。このときの同町の当番役員は表店の世帯主またはその子弟だけで占められた。さらにこの祭礼で最も名誉があるとされる「台上がり」と呼ばれる役割を勤めたのも、表店の世帯主またはその子弟だけであった。 一方、明治末期以降の日本では慢性的な不況が続き、博多においても町々の経済力は低下していき、祇園山笠の実施も困難になっていった。昭和前期(一九二六〜一九四五)になると、博多の町々は福岡市や地元財界から祇園山笠にたいする補助金を交付してもらうようになった。しかし太平洋戦争の激化によって物資と人手に不足が生じ、祇園山笠の実施はさらに困難になった。古溪町が山笠当番を勤めたのはまさにこのような時であった。, This paper describes in detail the social structure of Kokei-machi, one of the chou allowed to participate in the Gion-Yamakasa festival in Hakata during the Modern period, and its management of the festival. Due to the existence of an abundance of historical materials dating from 1935 to 1945, the primary focus of this paper is on this period. There existed huge social disparity in Kokei-machi between the households that lived on the omote-dana facing the roads and the quasi-households that lived elsewhere, that is, on the ura-dana or in rented accommodations. Only omote-dana households were able to take part in chou meetings and in the election of chou officials. Also, it was only the omote-dana households that paid charges, such as chou rates, charges for putting on festivals and sanitation charges. They alone were regarded as official members of the chou. In 1940, during the prolongation of the Sino-Japanese War, chou-nai-kai and tonari-gumi were established in Kokei-machi. At that time, quasi-households were added to both organizations in accordance with the policy of the Interior Ministry. However, with heads of quasi-households unable to participate in the election of officials for both organizations, the dominance of the omote-dana remained intact. The dominance of the omote-dana was clearly illustrated when, in 1943, Kokei-machi took on the role of being responsible for the yamakasa for the Gion-Yamakasa festival. Chou members involved in organizing the festival that year were either omote-dana household heads or their sons. Moreover, those who assumed the role of dai-agari, considered the highest honor in the festival, were also either only omote-dana household heads or their sons. The staging of the Gion-Yamakasa had become difficult due to the continuation of a chronic depression in Japan that had begun at the end of the Meiji period (1868-1912), causing a decline in the economic strength of chou in Hakata as in the rest of the country. By the early Shouwa period (1926-1945), the chou of Hakata had got Fukuoka City and local financial circles to offer grants for the Gion-Yamakasa. However, the escalation of the Pacific War caused a shortage in both commodities and manpower, making the holding of the Gion-Yamakasa even more difficult. It was at such a time that it became the turn of Kokei-machi to take charge of the yamakasa.}, pages = {1--46}, title = {近代博多における個別町の社会構造と祇園山笠経営 : 昭和10年代の西町流古溪町を例に}, volume = {125}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ウノ, コウイチ} }