@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001408, author = {宮武, 正登 and Miyatake, Masato}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 豊臣秀吉が朝鮮侵略の拠点とした肥前名護屋は、その特殊な性格と成立事情ゆえに、都市を主題とする議論の対象としては、従前から等閑視されがちな存在であった。しかし実際には、その広範な遺構展開と旧景観の遺存状況の良さからしても、当該の都市のメルクマールとなる構成要素の具体的内容を探る上で、極めて有用な研究素材となり得ることを本論では第一に提言している。 商人誘致を目的とした政権側による市場操作などの施策を背景としつつ、軍需景気の勃興に沸く名護屋城の周囲には、「国際都市」と評価されるに足る商業圏が発生していた。一見するとその空間構造は、名護屋城を核として、豊臣直属軍が滞在する屋敷地区と町場地区とが港に向かって縦列配置された一元的な構成に見える。しかし実態としては、港湾機能に依存して自然発生した町場と、城との連携を前提とした武家屋敷地区とが、それぞれの派生方向を違えたまま隣接していたにすぎず、起伏の激しい地勢環境に空間分化を委ねたままの、統一的計画性の希薄な都市的空間であった。 特に町場の実相は、軍用物資や築城資材などの物品別管理地の延長にあるような、質的には建設途上の城下町の域を出ない状態のままで経済活動が始動したものと推測される。また、城下の中心区域の外縁には、大名陣所に付随するような立地を示す散在型町場が分布し、この城下町の重層的な構造を特徴付けている。しかし一方では、街路の走行状態や各屋地の敷地規模などに、大坂城下町や京都などとの共通性を認めることもでき、近世城下町成立期の時代的特徴を部分的に備えている点は重視できる。 こうした特異性の発生理由は、秀吉の即時渡海を前提とした基地設定当初の基本方針を直接的原因とする。それが、戦争の長期化により名護屋の「首都化」が進むにつれて、臨海型城下町への志向性を高めたものと考えられ、城の求心方向に全く関係しない導線設定により城下との直接的結合が強引に図られた。ただし、包括的な都市改造に到達しないまま機能停止を迎えたため、様々な矛盾点を抱えた未完成の都市の形が残されたと考えられるのである。, Having served as a base for Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion of Korea, the existence of Hizen Nagoya as a subject in the discussion surrounding cities in Japan has long been overlooked due to its special characteristics and the circumstances behind its formation. In actual fact, however, the first point made in this paper is that the remains over a wide area and the excellent condition in which the old landscape has survived make Hizen Nagoya an extremely useful source for investigating the specific details of the constituent elements that mark such cities. A commercial zone worthy of recognition as an international city grew in the area surrounding Nagoya castle that came into being as a result of a booming military economy, against a background of policies for market operation by the authorities whose aim was to attract merchants. At first glance the spatial structure is a unified organization with Nagoya castle at the center and the residential district that housed the troops under Hideyoshi's direct control and the town district situated next to each other facing the harbor. In reality, however, the town district, which occurred spontaneously relying on the port, and the district containing warrior residences, which was predicated on its association with the castle, merely adjoined one another while possessing separate origins. As such, it was an urban space with tenuous integrated planning where the division of space was left to a steeply undulating topographical environment. In qualitative terms, the town seems to have developed economically while the castle town was still in the process of being built, as if it were an extension of administrative areas that oversaw different commodities such as military goods and castle construction materials. Having a distribution of scattered townships around the perimeter of the town center indicating sites that may have been associated with daimyo encampments, this castle town is characterized by a multilayered structure. On the other hand, in terms of traffic on the streets and the size of the plots of land, it is possible to recognize elements that the town had in common with the castle town of Osaka, as well as Kyoto after its reorganization. Consequently, the point can be made that Hizen Nagoya displayed some of the features of the Early Modern period, the period during which castle towns were formed. These peculiarities may be directly attributed to the initial plan when Hideyoshi was establishing a base for the primary purpose of making a spontaneous sea crossing to Korea. However, it is conceivable that the town become more and more like a coastal castle town as Nagoya developed into a capital as a result of the prolongation of the war. Consequently, there would have been an attempt to impose traffic connections between the castle and the area around it regardless of whether there was any intrinsic attraction driving access to the castle. However, Nagoya's function is thought to have ceased before the town could be comprehensively redesigned., 一部非公開情報あり}, pages = {135--178}, title = {肥前名護屋城下町の空間構造とその特異性}, volume = {127}, year = {2006}, yomi = {ミヤタケ, マサト} }