@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001566, author = {小峯, 和明 and Komine, Kazuaki}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 十二世紀(院政期)における天皇の生と死をめぐる儀礼とその記録や仏事儀礼に供された唱導資料(願文・表白)を中心に検証する。死に関しては堀河院をめぐって、関白忠実の日記や女官の日記、大江匡房の願文などから取り出し、とりわけ追善法会における願文表現の意義を追究した。生に関しては安徳天皇の誕生を例に、中山忠親の日記、『平家物語』諸本、安居院澄憲の表白、密教の事相書、御産記録等々から検討した。, This paper examines rites associated with the life and death of emperors during the 12th century, related written records and prayers and invocations recited during Buddhist services. Information on deaths that occurred at Horikawa palace is taken from the diaries of Kampaku (chief advisor for the emperor) Tadazane, the diaries of court women and the prayers of Ooe no Masafusa. From these a study is made of the meaning of the expressions of prayers recited during memorial services. Using the birth of Emperor Antoku as an example, this paper examines the diaries of Nakayama Tadachika, the books of the Heike Monogatari, the invocations of Agui Choken, writings on esoteric Buddhism, records of his birth and other materials.}, pages = {81--96}, title = {王の生と死をめぐる儀礼と法会文芸 : 堀河院の死と安徳帝の生}, volume = {141}, year = {2008}, yomi = {コミネ, カズアキ} }