@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001673, author = {井原, 今朝男 and Ihara, Kesao}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 近年、神社史研究が活発化しつつあるが、その分析対象となる多くの神社史料がもつ歴史的特徴や問題点について留意されることが少ない。そこで神社史料についての資料学的検討を行った。第一は、現存する神社や現任の神官層の保管下にある神社史料群はむしろ限定された文書群にすぎず、むしろより多くの関係史料群が社家文書として個人所蔵に帰しており散逸の危機に直面し、史料群の全体像はなお不明の状態のものが多いといわなければならない。社家文書の群としての全体的構造を理解することは、神社資料に対する史料批判を厳密にするうえで必要不可欠な作業である。第二に、個別神社史料群は、明治の廃仏毀釈によって仏事関係史料群が流出し、史料群の構成は大改変を受けている。そのため、現存史料群から描く神社史像は歴史実態から乖離してしまうという問題に直面することになる。改めて、廃仏毀釈の実態解明や旧聖教類の所在についての史料調査が重要な課題になっている。第三は、現存する神社史料群は、とくに近世・近代の神官層による神道書や縁起の編纂・改変という諸問題を抱えている。しかし、それらの解明は今後の課題であり、史料学的な問題点として論じられていない。神道史というものが近世国学や近代国家神道によって、「近代日本的な偏見」を受けていることが指摘されてきた。近世・近代の国家神道の下で神道書や神社史料がどのようなイデオロギー的変容を遂げたのかをあきらかにすることは、神社史料研究の一研究分野としなければならない。 こうした神社史料ももつ諸問題や特質をトータルとして論じる多面的な資料学的研究が必要になっている。, Recently, there has been a flurry of research on the history of shrines, but little attention has been paid to the historical characteristics and problem areas of the many historical shrine documents used in such studies. In light of this situation, the author has made an examination of the materials included in historical shrine documents. First, documents kept at existing shrines or by current shrine officials are at best limited. Rather, as a great many more relevant documents are held privately by individuals as documents that belong to shrine families there is a danger that they will be scattered or lost. We must conclude, therefore, that there is no clear overall picture of these historical documents. Second, documents belonging to individual shrines were altered substantially as a result of the Meiji abolition of Buddhism, which greatly altered the composition of historical documents. Consequently, we are faced with the problem that the view of a shrine’s history presented by surviving documents varies from historical reality. Once again, it is important that investigations are made into clarifying the actual situation concerning the abolition of Buddhism and the location of former Buddhist documents. Third, surviving historical shrine documents are problematic for a variety of reasons, including the editing and the changes made to Shinto documents by shrine officials during the Early Modern and Modern periods. However, since clarifying this situation is a task for future studies, it has not been covered here as a problem affecting the study of historical documents. It has been pointed out that Early Modern kokugaku and modern state Shinto created a “modern Japanese bias” in the history of Shinto. Thus, the kinds of ideological changes that were made to Shinto and shrine documents under state Shinto during the Early Modern and Modern periods must be studied as a separate field of research on historical shrine documents. What is needed is multi-faceted research into documents that discusses in full the various problems and characteristics of these historical shrine documents.}, pages = {249--268}, title = {神社史料の諸問題 : 諏訪神社関係史料を中心に}, volume = {148}, year = {2008}, yomi = {イハラ, ケサオ} }