@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001691, author = {小林, 青樹 and Kobayashi, Seiji}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 弥生集落の景観形成にあたって重要であるのは,絵画の分析から,第1に集落の中枢に位置する祭殿と考える建物(A2・A3)の存在であり,この祭殿を中心として同心円状に景観を形成している。そして,第2に重要であるのは,祭場をもつ内部と外部を区別化する環濠である。本論では後者を中心に検討した。平野部の環濠集落のなかには,環濠が河川と接続するものがあり,水をたたえた環濠はむしろ河川を象徴化したものであると考えた。環濠は,境界・結界を現す区別化の象徴である。このあり方と連動して,絵画の中には,それぞれの空間における儀式・儀礼に,景観形成で確認した「辟邪」を意図した図像や身体技法をも表現している。弥生集落の景観は,こうした各々の儀式や儀礼に一貫した約束事である「儀礼的実践」を根底におき形成されていたと考える。 環濠の境界・結界としての象徴的意味は,銅鐸の埋納・絵画・文様の意味とも相同関係にある。いずれも辟邪としての機能をもち,銅鐸は境界・結界に埋納され,鋸歯文のような文様自体も辟邪の象徴であり,それは祭殿の飾り文様としても機能した。その後鋸歯文は,古墳時代の柵形埴輪の飾りにも引き継がれ,祭場を区別化する境界・結界の象徴として機能した。弥生集落で確認した祭場を中心とした景観形成は,古墳時代に一般集落からの祭場の分離独立という変化を経るが,その根底の儀礼的意味と儀礼的実践は形を変えながらも継承されたと考える。, A study of drawings has shown that the most important factor in the formation of landscapes in Yayoi settlements was the existence of a building (A2, A3) thought to be a shrine, which was located in the center of the settlement, and the formation of a concentric landscape with this building in the middle. Next in importance is the moat, which differentiates the inside and its place of worship from the outside. This paper examines this latter aspect. Moated settlements in low-lying areas include those where the moat is connected to a river, as well as water-filled moats that symbolized rivers. A moat was a symbol of demarcation representing a boundary. Intertwined with this in ceremonial and ritual spaces in these drawings is the depiction, as borne out by the landscape formation, of hekija (imaginary beasts that warded off evil) as intended iconography and physical techniques. The landscapes of Yayoi settlements were formed with underlying "ritualistic practices" that were uniform conventions in such ceremonies and rituals. The symbolic significance of the moat as a boundary is homologous with the significance of the burial of dotaku (bronze bells), pictures and patterns. All serve the same function as hekija. Dotaku were buried on the boundary, the sawtooth-like pattern itself is also a symbol of the hekija, and was also used as a pattern for shrine decoration. The saw-tooth pattern was later used to decorate palisade-shaped haniwa in the Kofun period as a symbol of the boundary between the sacred and profane as distinct from a place of worship. The formation of landscapes centered on places identified as places of worship in Yayoi settlements changed in the Kofun period when they became discrete from ordinary settlements, although the underlying ritualistic significance and ritualistic practice continued, albeit in a modified form.}, pages = {91--112}, title = {弥生集落の祭祀機能と景観形成(論考編1 弥生時代の集落論)}, volume = {149}, year = {2009}, yomi = {コバヤシ, セイジ} }