@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001697, author = {広瀬, 和雄 and Hirose, Kazuo}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 中海の航行へのビジュアル性を意識した塩津丘陵遺跡群からは,弥生時代後期末の一大建物群が見つかっている。そこでは首長居宅と思われる布掘建物,各種製品を保管した高床倉庫群,手工業生産の「工房」,住まいである竪穴住居など,性格の異なった建物群が計画的に配置されていた。とくに,丘陵頂部の布掘建物を囲んで建設された30棟以上の高床倉庫群(一時期には10数棟)や,ひな壇状につくられた70以上の加工段群―17ヶ所から工具・未製品や炉壁・鍛造剥片などが出土―は,通常の農耕集落ではとうてい見られない。ここでは,少なくとも鉄器の鍛造や碧玉製品の製作があったが,予測される生産量の多さから,製品が広域に供給されたのはまず間違いない。そして,それらが交換された手工業製品の一大生産・交易センターだったのも動かない。 周囲には水田稲作に適した平野はないし,隣接した丘陵には同時期の一大首長墓群―出雲東部~伯耆西部地域の集団的帰属意識を象徴する観念的・宗教的センター―が築造されている。加えて,短期間の開始と廃絶などからすれば,この非農耕集落の成立には荒島墳墓群に結集した広域首長層の政治意志が働いたとみたほうが理解しやすい。私は<政治的・経済的・宗教的センター機能が一ヶ所に集められ,それらを担った人びとが集住した場>を都市と概念づけるが,ほかの弥生都市にくらべると存続期間は短いものの,塩津丘陵遺跡群はまさにそれに該当する。, A complex of large buildings dating from the end of Late Yayoi has been found at the Shiotsu Hill Site complex with its vista of vessels plying Lake Nakaumi. The arrangement of buildings which are different in character includes a nunobori (trench foundations) building thought to be a chief’s dwelling, storehouses with raised floors where various types of products were stored, a “workshop” for producing handcrafts, and pit dwellings. The more than 30 storehouses with raised floors (over a dozen storehouses existed at any one time) encircling the nunobori building on the top of the hill, more than 70 work benches made in the shape of tiered stands ― tools, unfinished items, furnace walls and forged fragments have been excavated from 17 sites ― are not usually seen in agricultural settlements. At the very least it appears that iron implements were forged and items were made from jasper at this site, and judging from the large volume of output there can be no doubt that the products were supplied over a wide area. It is also certain that this was a large production and trading center for making wares and crafts exchanged for such items. There is no flat land suitable for wet rice cultivation nearby, and a cluster of large tombs for chiefs ― an ideological and religious center that symbolized a consciousness of group belonging in the area from east Izumo to west Hoki ― were built in the adjoining hillsides in the same period. What is more, in terms of the settlement’s beginning and demise within a short period of time, it is easy to conclude that the political will of regional chiefs who were brought together at the Arashima mound tombs played a part in the formation of this non-agricultural settlement. The author views the “gathering of political, economic and religious functions in one place and the place where the people responsible for such activities lived” as an urban center. Although this urban center did not continue for as long as other Yayoi urban centers, the Shiotsu Hill archaeological site complex indeed falls under this category.}, pages = {313--334}, title = {山陰の弥生都市 : 出雲東部地域の非農耕的な大型集落(論考編2 各地の弥生集落)}, volume = {149}, year = {2009}, yomi = {ヒロセ, カズオ} }