@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001975, author = {梅屋, 潔 and Umeya, Kiyoshi}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, 私はここ10年ほど,ウガンダ東部にすむアドラ民族出身でアミン政権(1971-1979)閣僚だった故オボス=オフンビの「遺品整理」とでもいえるような作業を行っている。彼はアミンの側近でありながら,ついにはその命令で殺害された人物である。出身地域で随一のエリートとして評価される一方,その生涯はティポtipo(殺害された者の死霊)やラムlam(呪詛)そして予言者などの観念で彩られ,両義的な評価を付与されてきた。彼は当該民族最初の民族誌の著者であり,国防大臣として軍の兵舎を誘致し,父の墓を二度建てかえ,その名を冠したチャペルを建造した。邸宅には当時を知る手がかりとなる数多くの遺品が残っている。偶然から始まったこの人物への関心がアドラ民族の世界観への理解を深めることはもちろん,地域から見た世界史,そしてその手がかりとなるモノへの関心に繋がるようになった軌跡を辿る。, This paper attempts to describe the events that sparked my interest in a specific subject of my fieldwork during this decade. I was particularly intrigued by the preservation of the relics of the late A. C. K. Oboth-Ofumbi (1932-1977) , who was a Japadhola and served as a cabinet minister in Idi Amin Dada' s regime (1971-1979) . Despite being the head of Amin's inner circle, he was reportedly eventually murdered on Amin's orders. He was acclaimed as one of the most famous Jopadhola, but he had an ambiguous reputation, including rumours that he was connected to a tipo ( spirit of a murdered person) , lam ( curse) and jathieth ( soothsayer) . He left many memories and objects in his homeland of Padhola. He was the author of the first ethnography of the Jopadhola, and a defence minister who established Padhola's first army barracks. He was a pious Christian who built a large tombstone with a huge cross, presently functioning as a monument in this area, and a memorial chapel for his late father. He was also a family man who left a large inheritance and a modern mansion, and a methodical postcolonial intellectual who left a number of diaries that faithfully depict his time. In this paper, I explain how I accidentally came to develop an interest in this figure. Visiting a large number of elders, his family and neighbours, I not only developed a better understanding of the religious beliefs and world view of the Jopadhola, but also came to appreciate the importance of the relics left by Oboth- Ofumbi, especially those in his residence, and to develop a keen interest in preserving them.}, pages = {209--240}, title = {ある遺品整理の顛末 : ウガンダ東部トロロ県A・C・K・オボス=オフンビの場合}, volume = {169}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ウメヤ, キヨシ} }