@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000095, author = {田中, 禎昭 and TANAKA, Yoshiaki}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Sep}, note = {日本古代の戸は父系家族の外観を呈するが,その内部は父母+コ,父+コ,母+コのオヤコ単位の連鎖によって構成されている。国家は,こうした複数のオヤコ単位をいかにして父系的な戸に編成していったのか,その具体的なプロセスは未解明の課題である。そこで本論では,大宝二年(702)御野国半布里戸籍にみえる女性の付貫形態に注目し,この問題の検討を試みた。戸籍を精査すると,「妻」として付貫された女性は婚姻女性の一部に限られ,戸内最年長男性(ほとんど戸主)とそれに次ぐ年長男性2~3人に限定的に「妻」を同籍する原則が確認できる。戸籍上の「妻」は単なる親族名称ではなく,編戸に際して里内年長男性の配偶者に付与された地位呼称と考えられる。一方,女児は出生時に母のもとに片籍され,父の年齢順位が上がり,母が「妻」の呼称を付与された時点で母とともに父の戸に移貫された。つまり,戸籍による女性の把握は原則として母を定点として行われており,母児の父系編成は戸籍を介して女性に「妻」の地位呼称を付与することではじめて可能になったと考えられる。また「妻」の同籍は,父系によって戸を再生産していくために不可欠の操作でもあった。当時の戸主の地位継承は父系的な「世代内継承」,すなわち年長の戸主同世代傍系親(兄弟・同党[イトコ])を優先し,次に子世代「嫡子」に及ぶという継承方式によって行われていた。そこで国家は,戸主と兄弟・同党に「妻」を同籍した上でその複数の長子=「嫡子」たちを次世代戸主継承候補として確保し,同時に「妻」を若年「嫡子」の後見人に位置づけることで,戸のスムースな父系継承を図ったのである。そして「世代内継承」によって析出された同党を越える遠縁の親族集団は寄口とされ,課丁や戸主継承候補の不足する戸に寄せ付けられた。「妻」と「嫡子」を同籍する寄口は戸主の地位継承候補と目されており,寄口と戸口の間に身分の差はなかったと考えられる。, Ancient Japanese households (ko) may look like patrilineal family units but rather comprise a chain of parent-child units: mother and father + children, father + children, or mother + children. The specific process remains unexplained as to how the nation organized these multiple parent?child units into patrilineal households. Therefore, this paper attempts to examine the household system (henko) by focusing on how entries on women were recorded in the household register (koseki), specifically the Minonokuni Hanyuri Koseki in 702. A detailed examination of this household register reveals that only some of the married women were registered as a “wife” (tsuma), indicating that in principle, the word “wife” was only used when registering the spouses of the eldest man in the family (usually also the head of the household) and of the two or three next eldest men. Thus, the word “wife” in the household register is not only a term of kinship but also a designation of status given to the spouses of male elders in a village. Meanwhile, when a girl was born, she would be registered with her mother at the time of birth, rather than with her father; as the father's age increased and the mother became designated as a “wife,” the daughter would be transferred into the father's household with her mother. In other words, in principle, women were designated in the household register with the mother as the fixed point, and it only became possible to integrate mothers and children into the patrilineal system when a woman was given the status designation of “wife” through the household register. This same designation as a “wife” was also an indispensable aspect of creating a household by means of the patrilineal system. In that era, inheriting the status of the head of the household started with a system of patrilineal “intra-generational succession,” i.e., the succession of collateral relatives (brothers, cousins) within the same generation of the eldest head of the household, which was followed by the succession of “legitimate sons” (chakushi) in the children's generation. In this manner, the state attempted to facilitate smooth patrilineal inheritance within households by first registering the spouses of the head of the household and their brothers and cousins as “wives,” and then considering multiple firstborn “legitimate sons” of this generation as candidates for the next generation of household heads, simultaneously positioning the “wives” as the guardians of the young generation of legitimate heirs. Groups of relatives more distant than cousins created by the system of intra-generational succession were described using the term “kikou”; they were assigned to households where there was a shortage of adult men who were eligible to pay tax or a shortage of candidates for inheritance. “kikou”, who were recorded in the household register as having both a “wife” and a “legitimate son,” were viewed as potential successors to the head of household, and there was no difference in status between the “kikou” and members of the household.}, pages = {353--386}, title = {[論文] 古代戸籍のなかの母子 : 大宝二年半布里戸籍にみる戸の編成と家族}, volume = {235}, year = {2022}, yomi = {タナカ, ヨシアキ} }