@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002012, author = {綿貫, 俊一 and Watanuki, Shunichi}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 旧石器時代後期の遊動生活から,半定住生活,定住生活へと生活・居住の形が次第に変化したのが縄文時代であるといわれている。その一方で遺物量,岩陰の狭小性などから四国山地の高原にある上黒岩岩陰のように定住的な生活の場所としての利用が考えられない遺跡もある。そこで上黒岩岩陰で具体的にどのような生活が行われ,半定住集落や定住集落が形成されていくなかで上黒岩岩陰の性格とはなにかを詳らかとするために,出土した石器と石器石材の組成について観察した。これまで定住集落を認定する際,磨石・敲石類の増加と竪穴住居・土坑などの存在に注意が払われてきた。住居・集落が固定しない旧石器時代の遊動社会・集落と違って,定住的な社会においては塩・翡翠・磨製石斧・黒曜石などで代表されるように遠隔地間の物流が活発化・安定化している。このような視点から上黒岩岩陰や周辺遺跡での遠隔地石材の比重を観察した。 石材組成の観察結果,おそくとも上黒岩岩陰6層の頃から遠隔地産石器石材の増加が窺え,以後久万高原地域の遺跡や平野部周辺でも縄文時代を通じた推定遠隔地産石材が安定的に移入されている。したがって上黒岩岩陰6層以降に定住的な社会の到来を推定し,それ以前を半定住的な段階であると考えた。, In the Jomon Era, the living or inhabitation style gradually changed from the nomadic life style in the upper Paleolithic Age to the semisedentary or sedentary life style. On the other hand, there are some remains, such as the Rock Shelter of Kamikuroiwa located on a plateau in the Shikoku Mountains that appear not to have been used as a settlement place to live because of the small amount of remains and the narrowness of the rock shelter. So, in order to clarify concretely what actual life in the Rock Shelter of the Kamikuroiwa was like and the characteristics of the Rock Shelter of Kamikuroiwa in the formation of semisedentary colonies and sedentary colonies, the unearthed stone implements and the compositions of the materials of stone implements were studied. So far, in the identification of settlement colonies, attention has been focused on the increase of mill stones and hammer stones and the presence of pit dwellings and soil pits. Differently from the nomadic communities and colonies in the Paleolithic Age where people didn't have fixed dwellings or colonies to settle in, the distribution of materials, typified by salt, jade, polished stone axes and obsidian between remote locations was active and stabilized in sedentary society. From this perspective, the ratio of stone materials from remote areas at the Rock Shelter of Kamikuroiwa and the surrounding remains was obtained. As a result of the study of the composition of stone materials, it was found that starting at around the 6th layer of the Rock Shelter of Kamikuroiwa at the latest, the use of stone materials from remote areas for stone implements increased, and after that, stone materials that were presumed to have been produced in remote areas were stably imported to the remains in the Kuma Kogen region and around the plains through the Jomon Era. Accordingly, it is presumed that sedentary society started after the 6th layer of the Rock Shelter of Kamikuroiwa and the phase before the 6th layer was at the semisedentary stage.}, pages = {117--135}, title = {上黒岩岩陰の石器組成の分析(第Ⅰ部 縄文時代草創期における定住化)}, volume = {172}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ワタヌキ, シュンイチ} }