@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002014, author = {矢作, 健二 and Yahagi, Kenji}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 縄文時代草創期・早期の遺跡である愛媛県上黒岩遺跡は,これまで岩陰遺跡として発掘調査がなされ,最近では,その成果の再調査と再評価により,縄文時代草創期には狩猟活動に伴うキャンプサイト,早期には一定の集団が通年的な居住をしていたと考えられている。しかし,岩陰からの明確な遺構の検出記録はない。上黒岩遺跡の岩陰を構成している石灰岩体の分布や山地を構成している泥質片岩の分布に,縄文時代草創期から早期に至る時期の気候変動を合わせて考えると,遺構を遺すような生活空間は,山地斜面と久万川との間に形成された狭小な段丘上の地形にあったと推定される。, The Kamikuroiwa site in Ehime Prefecture which is the remains of the initial stage of the Jomon period and the Early Jomon period has been excavated and investigated as a rock shelter site so far. Recently, according to the re-investigation and re-evaluation of the results, it has been regarded as a camping site associated with hunting activities at the initial stage of the Jomon period and as a place where certain groups dwelled throughout the year in the Early Jomon period. However, there is no specific record of construction found from the rock shelter. Considering the distribution of the limestone massif making up the rock shelter of the Kamikuroiwa site and the distribution of pelitic schists making up the mountains as well as the climatic variations from the initial stage of the Jomon period to the Early Jomon period, it is presumed that such a living space where construction remains were left was located at the terrain on the narrow terrace formed between the mountain slope and the Kuma River.}, pages = {155--169}, title = {愛媛県上黒岩遺跡における生活空間について : 縄文時代草創期・早期の定住化に関連して(第Ⅰ部 縄文時代草創期における定住化)}, volume = {172}, year = {2012}, yomi = {タハギ, ケンジ} }