@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002020, author = {宇佐美, 哲也 and Usami, Tetsuya}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 武蔵野台地東辺における縄文時代中期の主要集落遺跡について,土器の細別時期ごとに住居分布を検討した。その結果,いずれの集落遺跡においても,一時的に住居軒数が増加し,住居が環状に分布するような景観を呈する時期が認められるものの,基本的には1~数軒の住居が点在するような一時的景観を基本として,住居数の増減を繰り返したり,途中断絶を挟みつつ,変遷していることが確認できた。大規模集落跡,環状集落跡とされる集落遺跡も,住居が環状に分布するような景観が途切れなく継続する姿は復元できない。また,住居数が増加する時期は,各集落遺跡により違いがあることから,その要因は,各集落遺跡,各地域ごとに異なる可能性が高いと想定した。 あわせて,周溝,主柱穴,炉など住居施設の変遷を検討した結果,ひとつの集落遺跡が,最初から最後までひとつの集団により計画的,継続的に営まれたと考える材料は得られず,むしろ各時期とも多様な住居形態が混在する様相が明らかであることから,ひとつの集落遺跡も,時期ごとに拡大・縮小を繰り返していたであろう異なる集団の領域が,相互に複雑に重複することで形成された可能性が考えられる。 したがって,大規模集落跡と小規模集落跡の差は,集落の質的な差ではなく,その場所が居住地として利用される頻度の差を示しているものであり,時期ごと,遺跡ごとに異なる利用頻度の差が何に起因するのかを解明することこそが,各時期における居住地の選択や,環境,生業等を解明する手掛かりになるものと考える。その意味では,定住か移動かといったこれまでの集落論にみられるような二項対立的な議論のみに立脚して集落遺跡を検討するのではなく,一定地域における定着のあり方とその実態を,個別の集落遺跡の検討を通じて明らかにしていく視点が求められる。そのためには,各集落遺跡における一時的景観の復元と平行して,出土土器の様相,住居形態など様々な考古学的要素をあわせて検討することにより,各時期・各地域における定着の範囲とその内容を解明していく努力が求められる。, Concerning the major colony remains in the middle Jomon period on the eastern margin of the Musashino Daichi, the distribution of dwellings was studied for each sub-classified earthenware period. The result showed that the remains of every colony experienced times when the number of dwellings increased temporarily and presented a landscape that had dwellings distributed in a circular shape, but basically, the temporary landscape in which one to several dwellings were scattered was presented and changed with repeated increase or decrease in the number of dwellings or disappearance of dwellings midstream. For the colony remains that are regarded as large colonies or circular colonies, the landscape having dwellings distributed continuously in a circular shape cannot be reproduced. Also, in the period when the number of dwellings increased, every colony site was different, and it is presumed that the factors differ by colony site or region. In addition, according to the study result about changes in dwelling facilities such as surrounding ditches, main post holes and hearths, no proof was obtained that one colony site was continuously operated as planned by one group from the start to the end, but rather, it is obvious that various dwelling types existed at the same time in each period. Therefore, it is presumed that one colony site may have been formed through complicated overlapping of different colony areas which must have repeatedly expanded and reduced by period. Therefore, the difference between a large colony and a small colony is not a difference in the quality of the colony but a difference in the frequency of use as a residence. Clarification of the factors in the difference of the frequency of use by period and site leads to clarification of selection of residence, environment, means of livelihood, etc. in each period. In a sense, the study of colony remains should not be based on only discussion by binary opposition such as the conventional arguments about colony with the viewpoint on settlement or migration, but clarification of the state of settlement and the actual conditions in a certain region through the study of individual colony sites is required. To that end, efforts for the study of various archaeological elements such as the aspect of the excavated earthenware and dwelling style in parallel with the reproduction of the temporary landscape in each colony site are required to clarify the extent of settlement and its detail in each period and each region.}, pages = {255--315}, title = {武蔵野台地東辺における縄文時代中期の集落景観(第Ⅱ部 縄文時代中期における定住の実態)}, volume = {172}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ウサミ, テツヤ} }