@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002070, author = {中尾, 七重 and 渡辺, 洋子 and 坂本, 稔 and 今村, 峯雄 and Nakao, Nanae and Watanabe, Yoko and Sakamoto, Minoru and Imamura, Mineo}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 放射性炭素年代測定を文化財建築遺構に適用し,その有効性を明らかにした。事例として,国宝大善寺本堂,旧土肥家本家住宅,旧土肥家隠居屋住宅,重要文化財三木家住宅の年代調査結果を報告する。文化財建造物を測定する場合の部材選択や試料採取の方法を示した。部材最外層年代から建築の年代情報を得るために,部材の年代測定から建物の年代判定へ研究発展の必要性を指摘した。, Radiocarbon dating was applied to culturally significant historical buildings and its effectiveness was made clear. The results of the dating for the main hall of the Daizenji temple (National Treasure), the former head and branch houses of the Doi family, and the Miki house (Important Cultural Property) were reported as case studies. The methods for selecting materials to measure and extracting samples when dating culturally significant historical buildings were shown. This suggested the necessity of developing research into dating buildings from measuring the age of their materials in order to get the age information of the building from the outermost age layer of the material.}, pages = {81--117}, title = {放射性炭素年代測定法を用いた中近世建築遺構の年代判定 : 国宝大善寺本堂,旧土肥家本家および隠居屋住宅,重要文化財三木家住宅}, volume = {176}, year = {2012}, yomi = {ナカオ, ナナエ and ワタナベ, ヨウコ and サカモト, ミノル and イマムラ, ミネオ} }