@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002090, author = {熊谷, 公男 and Kumagai, Kimio}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Nov}, note = {application/pdf, 最北の城柵秋田城は,古代城柵のなかでも特異な存在であり,また歴史的にも大きく性格が変化する点で興味深い存在である。本稿は,秋田の歴史への登場から元慶の乱まで秋田城の歴史をたどり,秋田城の歴史的特質を明らかにしようとするものである。 秋田城の起源は天平五年(733)に出羽郡から秋田村に移転した出羽柵である。この秋田出羽柵は,律令国家の版図のなかで北に突出した場所に位置し,北方交流の拠点であったが,通常の城柵とちがい領域支配は著しく未熟であった。その後,仲麻呂政権の城柵再編策によって桃生城・雄勝城が造営されると,出羽柵は秋田城と改称され,陸奥国と駅路で結ばれて,孤立した立地はある程度改善されるが,領域支配の強化が蝦夷との対立をまねいて防備が困難となり,宝亀初年には出羽国から秋田城の停廃が要請される。中央政府もそれを承認するが,まもなく三十八年戦争が勃発し,城下住民が南の河辺郡への移住を拒んだために廃城は先送りされる。 山道蝦夷の制圧を前提とした桓武朝の城柵再編が秋田城の歴史の大きな転機となる。胆沢城・志波城の造営によって陸奥国の疆域がようやく秋田城と同じラインまで北進し,また払田柵(第二次雄勝城)が造営されたことで,秋田城の孤立した立地が解消される。さらに秋田郡が建置されて,通常の城柵のように城司―郡司の二段階の城柵支配が行われるようになる。その後,城司の支配がおよぶ「城下」が米代川流域にまで拡大され,秋田城の支配体制が飛躍的に強化される。その結果,百姓の「奥地」への逃亡や,城下の蝦夷村の収奪強化などの新たな矛盾が生まれる。これは一方で「奥地」(米代川流域・津軽地方)の社会の発展を生み出すが,もう一方で城下の蝦夷村の俘囚たちの反発をまねき,やがて元慶の乱が勃発する。, Akita Castle is a josaku (government fortification) located in the northernmost domains of Japan and among the ancient josaku it is unique and of great interest in terms of significant changes to its historical background. This paper traces the history of Akita Castle, from the formation of Akita district through to the Gangyo War and clarifies its distinctive characteristics. The foundation of Akita Castle originated with the creation of Dewa no Ki (a government fortification in the Dewa area), which was moved out of Ideha County and relocated to Akita Village in 733. Akita Dewa no Ki was positioned as a controlling stronghold in the northern districts governed in accordance with the ritsuryo codes; however, unlike regular josaku, its control of its domains was weak. Subsequently, due to a period of reorganization of josaku by the Nakamaro administration, Monou Castle and Okachi Castle were constructed, and at this time Dewa no Ki was renamed Akita Castle, and connected with Mutsu Province by a route on the post-station system, alleviating its isolated location to some degree. However, later, reinforcement of territorial control brought conflict with the natives of Ezo or the northerners, so it became difficult to defend, and in 770 the Dewa Province requested the closure of Akita Castle. The central government approved the request, but a little later the Thirty-Eight Years' War broke out, and residents in the castle area refused to move to Kawabe County in the south; for this reason, the closure of the castle was postponed. The reorganization of josaku conducted in the reign of Emperor Kammu, aiming at controlling the Ezo mountain route marked a great turning point in the history of Akita Castle. Thanks to the construction of Isawa and Shiwa Castles the boundary of the Mutsu Province was finally expanded north to the same line as that of Akita Castle, and construction of Hotta no Ki (the secondary Okachi Castle) finally ended the isolation of Akita Castle. Moreover, Akita County was established and just like regular josaku, a two tier system of josaku control (castle head and county head) started. Afterward, the “castle area” governed by the castle head was expanded to the basin of the Yoneshiro River, and the government system of Akita Castle was massively strengthened. Consequently, this caused new problems: escapes of peasants to “the interior” and increased exploitation of Ezo villages in the castle area; although helping to develop society in “the interior” (the basin of the Yoneshiro River and Tsugaru region), also invited rebellion among those captives taken from the Ezo villages in the castle area, and before long, led to the outbreak of the Gangyo War.}, pages = {229--268}, title = {秋田城の成立・展開とその特質(第2部 宮都と官衙)}, volume = {179}, year = {2013}, yomi = {クマガイ, キミオ} }