@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002128, author = {前嶋, 敏 and Maeshima, Satoshi}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Jan}, note = {application/pdf, 本論文は、一七世紀中葉~一八世紀前半の米沢藩中条氏における戦国末期~近世初頭の当主の系譜に対する認識について、中条氏に伝来した系図・由緒書等および同氏の文書整理・管理の状況から検討するものである。本論文では以下の点を指摘した。①中条氏では、一七世紀中葉~後半頃の段階においては、戦国末期の当主が忘れられている状態であり、とくに中条景泰という当主の名を認識していなかった。しかし、一八世紀前半にはそれを景資という当主の改名後の名としている。なお、さらにその後に作成された系図等では景資と景泰は別人と理解されている。②中条氏では、一七世紀中葉以降には、文書の整理・収集等を通じて系譜の復元が行われていた。そして元禄四~七年の間に景泰の名を記す文書を収集し、その名を認識するにいたったと考えられる。また同氏では一七世紀後半までの文書整理と同じ方針でそれ以後も管理を継続していた。このことは、中条氏が同氏の系譜・由緒等に対して高い関心を持ち続けていたことを示しており、戦国末期の当主に対する認識をその後さらに変化させたことにもつながっていたと思われる。, This article studies the views of the Nakajo family in the Yonezawa domain from the mid-17th century to the early 18th century regarding the genealogy of their heads from the end of the Sengoku period to the beginning of the early modern period (from the late 16th century to the early 17th century) . Approaching this subject from the viewpoints of family trees and other genealogical records descended through the Nakajo family and their ways to organize and manage documents, the article indicates the following two points. First, from the middle to the latter half of the 17th century, the Nakajo family did not recognize some of their heads of the late Sengoku period, including Nakajo Kageyasu. In the early 18th century, the family came to recognize his name as the changed name of Kagesuke. Then, they came to distinguish Kageyasu from Kagesuke, according to their family trees and other records drawn up by the later generations. Secondly, after the mid-17th century, the Nakajo family collected and inventoried relevant documents to recover their genealogy. It seems that they collected records related to Kageyasu in particular from 1691 to 1694 and then came to recognize his name. After the late 17th century, the family continued to organize their documents based on the same policy as before. Judging from this, they seem to have kept a keen interest in their family trees and genealogical documents. As a result, they continued to change their views on their family heads of the late Sengoku period.}, pages = {115--145}, title = {米沢藩中条氏における系譜認識と文書管理}, volume = {182}, year = {2014}, yomi = {マエシマ, サトシ} }