@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002173, author = {新谷, 尚紀 and Shintani, Takanori}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿は1950年代半ばから70年代半ばの高度経済成長を大きな画期として生じてきている民俗伝承の大きな変化に注目しながら,それをふまえてさらに2010年代前半の現在,葬送の民俗がどのように変化を進めているのか現地の具体的な情報に密着しながらその追跡を試みたものである。近世の寺檀制度のもとで浄土真宗門徒の講中という強固な地縁的な組織が卓越してきていた地域の典型的な葬送習俗の事例として広島県山県郡旧千代田町域の事例に注目してみた。そして,平成20年(2008)の北広島町営の新しい火葬場「慈光苑」の建設とJA経営の葬祭ホール「虹のホール」の開業とが決定的に大きな画期を与えたことが確認できた。その変化とは従来の講中の世話になる葬儀からJA「虹のホール」を利用する葬儀へ,伝統的であった相互扶助の関係における無償の地縁的な世話協力という関係から新たな有償の金銭によるいわば無縁的な葬儀業者からのサービス提供の購入へ,という大きな変化である。近世以来同じく講中組織の強固であった村落であっても一定程度に近隣地域にまでその調査範囲を広げて比較観察してみると,その範囲内の事例ごとに講中の組織の緩みや葬儀の簡略化の実際には,地域的なそして時間的な差異がある。古い歴史と由緒を感覚的に共有しあっている村落では伝承を守ろうとする引力が強いのに対して,新たな移住戸が多いなど歴史的な蓄積の意識の浅い村落ではそれが弱いという傾向性が見出される。 本稿2は別稿1とともに今回の共同研究の成果として提出するものであるが,日本歴史の中で葬送の作業を担う中心的な存在として位置づけられてきた人間は時代ごとに変化しており,古代中世の社会では血縁的関係者が主で,近世以降の社会では講中など地縁的な関係者が主で近現代の日本社会でもそれは継承されていた。しかし,1950年代半ばから70年代半ばの高度経済成長を経ることによって,「死と葬儀の商品化」という現象が起こり,死は医療関係者の対象へ,葬儀は葬儀業者の有料サービスの対象へとなってきた。2000年代初頭の現在はJAなどの葬祭業進出によっていっせいに日本各地でホール葬と呼ばれる葬儀場での葬儀が一般化してきている。長い日本歴史の流れの中で葬儀分担者の「血縁・地縁・無縁」という三波展開が指摘できるのである。ただし,生の密着関係が同時に死の密着関係でありいずれの時代にあっても葬儀の基本的な担い手が血縁者であるという意識は通底し通貫しており,近年の「家族葬」はその現代的な表出と位置づけることができる。, This article aims to reveal changes in funeral customs in the early 2000s by referring to specific information from field studies and comparing it with the drastic changes in folk traditions triggered by the high economic growth in the mid-1950s to the mid-1970s. To this end, this paper uses cases in former Chiyoda Town (present Kita Hiroshima Town), Yamagata District, Hiroshima Prefecture, as a typical example of funeral customs in a community where a religious association of Jodo Shinshu followers, a group based on strong local relationships within the temple patron system, has played an important role since the early modern times. This case study indicates that the establishment of Jikouen, a new public crematory managed by the Kita Hiroshima Town Office, and the opening of Hall of Rainbow, a funeral hall managed by Japan Agricultural Cooperative (JA), in 2008 caused dramatic changes. For example, funeral rites that used to be organized by conventional religious associations have become provided by JA-associated undertakers at Hall of Rainbow. This is an enormous change from a gratuitous service supported by locality groups based on traditional relationships of mutual cooperation to a chargeable service provided by third parties such as funeral directors on business relationships. A comparative study of other villages where religious associations have played a substantial role since the early modern times reveals spatial and temporal gaps in the weakening of religious associations and the simplification of funeral services, which is even clearer when the scope of the study is extended to neighboring communities. In brief, while the villages where old traditions and histories are shared and cherished have a strong inclination to preserve traditional customs and practices, the villages with many newcomers and without long histories have a little inclination to do so. This Paper II, as well as Paper I, is issued as part of the collaborative research, indicating that people responsible for organizing funerals have changed over time in the Japanese history from blood relations in the ancient and medieval times to locality groups such as religious associations in the early modern times. Although these practices continued until recent times in the Japanese society, both death and funeral rites were commercialized due to the high economic growth from the mid-1950s to the mid-1970s; the former became dealt with by medical professionals, while the latter by funeral directors, both as a chargeable service. Moreover, in the early 2000s, with the rise of the funeral industry, such as JA-associated undertakers, it became common all over Japan to hold a funeral service at a funeral hall. These trends show a three-stage transition of people responsible for funerals in the long Japanese history; from blood relations to locality groups and to third parties. On the other hand, there is also an underlying, timeless point of view that in principle, blood relations should be considered as key people in funeral services because close relationships in this world form close relationships in the world to come, as evidenced by the recent increase in family funeral services.}, pages = {63--89}, title = {葬送習俗の民俗変化2 : 広島県山県郡北広島町域(旧千代田町域)の事例より : 2008年葬祭ホール開業とその前後}, volume = {191}, year = {2015}, yomi = {シンタニ, タカノリ} }