@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002176, author = {小田島, 建己 and Odajima, Takemi}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 1997(平成9)年度から1998(平成10)年度にかけて,日本全国の47都道府県を対象に,1960年代前後と1990年代前後の葬送墓制習俗の現状が調査され,その結果は4冊の資料調査報告書『死・葬送・墓制資料集成』にまとめられ,1999(平成11)年に国立歴史民俗博物館から発行された。武田正によって当時調査された山形県東置賜郡高畠町時沢において,2011年に執り行われた葬儀の事例を調査し,約15年前との変化を確認した。 時沢における葬送墓制には,武田が調査した当時から,幾つかの点に変化がみられた。近親者が行っていた湯灌は病院での清拭に代わられ省略されていた。かつては隣組が作製していた死装束や葬具は,葬儀社により準備されたものが利用されるようになった。また火葬が普及したことにより,穴番(穴掘り役)は形式化し,通夜の翌朝に入棺をしていたものが逆順化した。近親者が行っていた入棺については,火葬の普及とともに,葬儀社のサービスに組み込まれたために変化した点も見受けられる。また,土葬から火葬への移行は,埋葬の方法のみならず,墓そのものも変えている。墓や墓地に変化をもたらしたものは葬法の変化のみではなく,墓・墓地また死体に関わる政策や,衛生観念における変化にも要因を求めることができる。こうした要素が複合的に関係し合いながら,葬送墓制習俗の動態が生れていると言えよう。, A survey on the funeral and burial customs and practices of all the 47 prefectures in Japan around the 1960s and 1990s was performed from FY1997 to FY1998. The results were compiled and published as four survey reports “Collection of Materials on the Death, Funeral Rites, and Grave Systems” by the National Museum of Japanese History in 1999. Among them, Tadashi Takeda's field study in Tokizawa, Takahata Town, Higashi Okitama District, Yamagata Prefecture, was used for comparison with funeral rites conducted in 2011. This paper presents the gap between them over the approximately 15-year term. The funeral and burial customs of Tokizawa have changed in several respects since they were surveyed by Takeda. For example, the washing of a dead body by close relatives was replaced by bathing by medical staff at a hospital. The grave clothes and funeral accessories that used to be prepared by neighborhood associations were provided by funeral directors. Moreover, the spread of cremation turned gravediggers into mere shells of their former selves, and although the body of the deceased used to be placed in a coffin in the morning after the vigil, the order was reversed. The increasing involvement of funeral directors, accompanied by the proliferation of cremation, also caused some changes in the practices of encoffination that used to be done by close relations. Furthermore, the shift from inhumation to cremation varied the practices of burial as well as the form of a grave. The changes in graves and cemeteries were caused not only by the above-mentioned shifts in funeral customs but also by the changes in the sense of hygiene and the policies concerning graves, cemeteries, and dead bodies. These factors were related to each other in a complex manner, leading to significant variations in funeral and burial customs and practices.}, pages = {181--200}, title = {山形県置賜地方における葬送墓制習俗の変化 : 高畠町時沢の追跡調査から}, volume = {191}, year = {2015}, yomi = {オダジマ, タケミ} }