@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002181, author = {武井, 基晃 and Takei, Motoaki}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿では火葬の導入・葬祭業者の関与および自動車社会化の進展という2つの変化を通して戦後の沖縄での高度経済成長とその前後における葬送墓制の変化という課題を考えていく。❶では沖縄の葬送・墓制と自動車社会化についての概略を記述する。❷では調査対象地とした沖縄本島中南部の中頭郡中城村(家族墓地域)の集落についてその概要や屋取集落という歴史的背景を説明する。また『死・葬送・墓制資料集成』での沖縄県の調査対象地域だった南風原町(門中墓地域)の喜屋武についても概要を述べる。❸では中城村の昭和と平成の葬送の調査票を参照しながら火葬の導入や葬祭業者の関与による変化を論じる。たとえば葬儀の日程は火葬場の利用スケジュールをおさえられるかに左右される。葬祭業者の関与については最近のある葬式の経費を提示し告別式から四十九日までの支出の傾向を分析する。また南風原町喜屋武の事例との比較も試みる。 ❹ではまず記事をもとに自動車社会化の進展と葬法の変化も相まって遺体運搬に用いられてきた龕が廃され自動車(霊柩車)が導入される過程などを追う。また自家用の乗用自動車台数や県下の免許保有者数などの統計資料を提示し戦後から復帰前の沖縄でどのように自動車社会化が進んだかを明らかにする。そして❺では今日の沖縄で祖先祭祀の行事(清明祭の墓参りやウマチーという宗家のブツダン参り)が自動車での移動を前提に実際どのように行われているかを筆者が同行した事例から記述する。そこから自動車での移動のおかげで年配者でも行事に参加し続けられる一方でそのことが行事の参加者の世代交替を阻んでいる面もあることを指摘する。, This article discusses the high economic growth in Okinawa after World War II, as well as changes in their funeral rites and grave systems before and after it, by examining shifts in two aspects: the introduction of cremation and the involvement of funeral directors; and the motorization of society. Section 1 outlines the funeral rites and grave systems and the motorization of society in Okinawa. Section 2 describes the outline and history of a hamlet formed by reclamation of noble class, namely Nakagusuku Village, Nakagami District, which is located in the south-central part of Okinawa Main Island and serves as a case study of family graves. The section also sketches out Kyan, Haebaru Town, which is covered by “Collection of Materials on the Death, Funeral Rites, and Grave Systems” as an area with a patrilineal-based grave system. Section 3 uses the results of a questionnaire survey on funeral rites in Nakagusuku Village in the Showa (1926-1989) and Heisei (1989-) Eras to discuss the changes caused by the introduction of cremation and the involvement of funeral directors. For example, the date of a funeral service is determined by when a cremation service is available. With regard to the involvement of funeral directors, the section uses the record of expenses of a recent funeral to analyze the spending trend during the period from the funeral service to the memorial service marking the 49th day after the death. A comparative study is also undertaken with Kyan, Haebaru Town. Referring to other articles, Section 4 discusses the process of the shift in body transportation from bier to automobile (hearse) as automobile use was spreading in the society and funeral practices were changing. Moreover, statistical data, such as the number of private automobiles and licensed drivers in Okinawa, are used to indicate how the motorization of society was progressing in the society after World War II until the retrocession of Okinawa to Japan. Based on the field study of the author, Section 5 describes how festivals and rituals for ancestors (e.g., the Seimei Festival to visit graves and the Umachi Festival to visit the head family house to pray at the family alter) are performed now in Okinawa and how automobile use has affected them. The section indicates that while automobiles enable the elderly to continue to attend these rituals, in another aspect, they prevent generation changes.}, pages = {315--348}, title = {葬送の変化と祖先祭祀行事の自動車社会化 : 沖縄本島中南部の事例}, volume = {191}, year = {2015}, yomi = {タケイ, モトアキ} }