@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002258, author = {小池, 淳一 and Koike, Jun'ichi}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿は筆記環境の近代化と消費文化の様相を万年筆を通して考えようとするものである。ここではまず,明治の日本において万年筆が販売に際してどのような位置づけであったか,について,丸善における広告宣伝を確認し,特に夏目漱石が書いた「余と万年筆」(1912)をはじめとする万年筆関係の文章を分析した。さらに三越百貨店における万年筆の販売の様相を『三越』『三越タイムス』からうかがい,その特徴について考察した。その結果として,万年筆は筆記の近代化のシンボルとして,明治末から大正の初めにはかなり普及したが,特に三越では舶来品としての万年筆の販売に尽力し,さらに関連する商品も視野にいれ,商品そのものばかりではなく,関連する知識や使用法の啓蒙にも努めていたことが明らかになった。日本における万年筆の歴史,筆記文化の近代を考えるためには,ここで論じた以外にも国産化の過程をはじめとする複眼的な考究が必要であろう。, This paper examines fountain pens to reveal the modernization of writing instruments and the changes of consumption culture. First, this paper analyzes the position of fountain pens in marketing strategies in Japan in the Meiji era (1868-1912) by examining the advertisements of Maruzen, Yo to Mannenhitsu (A Fountain Pen and I) by Sōseki Natsume (published in 1912), and other essays and writings regarding fountain pens. Moreover, this paper traces the marketing of fountain pens at Mitsukoshi Department Store and analyzes their characteristics by examining its booklets named Mitsukoshi and The Mitsukoshi Times. The results of the analysis indicate that fountain pens became very popular as a symbol of modernization in the writing universe from the end of the Meiji era to the beginning of the Taishō era (at the beginning of the 20th century). In particular, Mitsukoshi Department Store actively promoted the sale of imported fountain pens. In addition to sales promotions, it shared related knowledge, including how to use a fountain pen, to create cross-selling opportunities. In order to fully reveal the history of fountain pens and the modernization of writing instruments in Japan, further studies from different angles will be needed, including the research of the process of promoting the domestic production of fountain pens.}, pages = {145--158}, title = {明治末から大正初期の万年筆 : 販売における位相とその意義}, volume = {197}, year = {2016}, yomi = {コイケ, ジュンイチ} }