@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002272, author = {福島, 金治 and Fukushima, Kaneharu}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿は、鎌倉中期における漢籍の京都から鎌倉への移入、御家人らへの伝授と相互書写による本の累積、そして地方への拡散のありかたを将軍家や御家人の人的ネットワークとその所領関係から考察したものである。考察の対象は、金沢文庫本の核をなす北条実時本とこれに関わった清原教隆の伝授本を中心にした。 まず、北条実時らに伝授した清原教隆について、九条家の家司の側面が見いだせることを清原良元宛て書状の分析を通して指摘した。教隆の鎌倉下向は九条家との縁が背景にあろう。実時本にみえる豊原奉重にも九条家との関係が推測される。やがて、将軍家の家政に関わる人物は、鎌倉の要人への漢籍等の伝授を媒介に、幕府内での立場も確保していった。こうした伝授が進行した結果、鎌倉では同一本が複数の家に所有される状況が生まれ、御家人を協力者として書写する関係がうまれていく。実時の協力者をみると、後藤基政は京都大番役で上洛、太田康有は公務の上下関係、二階堂氏とは俗縁関係といったことを背景に補写や本の提供を行った。こうして、要人の家では蔵書を文庫で管理し、儒者が継続的に教授し、伝授された者同士がそれぞれの本を相互に校閲する環境が整った。 漢籍の鎌倉からの地方伝播は、清原教隆が伝授した『論語集解』を通して検討した。嘉暦鈔本は加賀白山八幡院玉蔵坊での書写本で、奥書にみえる得橋禅門への伝授は鎌倉で行われたと考えられる。得橋氏は加賀国得橋郷の惣地頭とみられ、六波羅料所の管理人的立場にあったと推定される。得橋氏への伝授には六波羅探題北方北条時茂、執権北条長時らとの関係があろう。また、虎関師錬書写本の伝授をみると実相寺・菅生など足利氏・吉良氏の寺院や所領がみられる。漢籍の伝授には一族と所領のネットワークが媒介となっていたと考えられる。書籍の伝授は所領経営のあり方をも反映しているのである。, This paper analyzes how Chinese texts were introduced from Kyoto to Kamakura, duplicated and provided to vassals, and spread to other provinces in the mid-Kamakura period (in the 13th century) from two viewpoints: (1) personal networks between the shogun family and their vassals and (2) feudal relationships. The analysis focuses on the Hojo Sanetoki documents, which constitute the core of the Kanazawa Bunko collection, as well as the Chinese texts introduced by Kiyohara Noritaka, who played an important role in the collection of the documents. First, based on the examination of a letter addressed to Kiyohara Yoshimoto, this paper suggests that Kiyohara Noritaka, who lectured on Chinese texts for Hojo Sanetoki and others, may have served the Kujo family as their keishi (household superintendent). His personal connection with the family may have brought him from Kyoto to Kamakura. The fact that Hojo Sanetoki had copies handwritten by Toyohara Tomoshige also indicates the connection with the Kujo family. Those who served the shogun family gained their positions in the Shogunate Government as well by introducing Chinese and other texts to key persons in Kamakura. As a result, copies of the same texts were held by multiple families in Kamakura. Moreover, they built cooperative relationships with other vassals to duplicate manuscripts. Sanetoki also gained cooperation for restoring and collecting manuscripts from such networks. For example, Goto Motomasa, who went to Kyoto as Kyoto Obanyaku (guard of the palace), helped Sanetoki. Ota Yasuari cooperated with Sanetoki based on their superior-subordinate relationship in the government, while the Nikaido family did that based on their secular connection. Thus, an environment was created where Chinese and other texts were archived by powerful families in their libraries, continuously lectured on by Confucian scholars, and proofread by those who were provided with the same copies. This paper analyzes how Chinese texts spread from Kamakura to other provinces by examining the Karyaku handwritten copy of Lun Yu Ji Jie (also known as Rongo Shikkai) introduced by Kiyohara Noritaka. The manuscript was copied by Gyokuzobo from Hachiman-in in Hakusan, Kaga. According to the colophon, it was provided to Tokuhashi Zenmon, which is presumed to have been executed in Kamakura. The Tokuhashi family seems to have assumed the position of soujitou (head manorial steward) in Tokuhashi-go District, Kaga, as well as served as a caretaker of the area of Rokuhara. The document was provided to the family because of their connections with leading figures, such as Hojo Tokimochi, Rokuhara Tandai Kitakata (Northern Chief of Rokuhara Tandai); and Hojo Nagatoki, Regency. Meanwhile, the handwritten manuscripts copied by Kokan Shiren were provided to the temples and manorial estates of the Ashikaga and Kira families, such as Jissou-ji Temple and Sugao, Mikawa. Thus, Chinese texts spread through the networks of families and their manorial stewards. This process also reflected how manors were managed.}, pages = {91--110}, title = {鎌倉中期の京・鎌倉の漢籍伝授とその媒介者 : 金沢文庫本とその周辺}, volume = {198}, year = {2015}, yomi = {フクシマ, カネハル} }