@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002277, author = {小池, 淳一 and Koike, Jun'ichi}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 1970年代から80年代にかけて盛んに論じられた都市民俗学はどのように形成され,どういった可能性と限界とを持っていたのだろうか。本稿はそうした問題について,都市民俗学の模索段階,形成期について検討し,その様相について論述を試みる。さらに都市民俗学を表面的には標榜しなくても,都市をとらえた民俗研究を検討し,その可能性を指摘する。ここでは特に世間話や個人に関する着目が重要であったことを確認する。全体として,都市民俗学は現代社会や民俗変化を対象化するムラを超える民俗学へと民俗研究が発展的に解体する過程と位置づけることができ,そこでの問いや模索された対象や概念化の取り組みは,現代における民俗的諸事象との対峙を志向する研究へと分節化されたということができるのである。, Urban folklore studies attracted much attention in the 1970s and 1980s. How were the studies established? What possibilities and limitations did they have? In order to answer these questions, this paper analyzes the design and formulation stages of urban folklore studies to track their transitions. The analysis also covers the studies which did not clearly claim to be part of urban folklore studies but which actually examined urban folklore phenomena to verify such a possibility. This paper especially emphasizes that the verification should be based on whether the studies focused on small talks and individuals or not. On the whole, urban folklore studies are considered to have been a transitional form of folklore studies in the process of evolving from simple “village studies” to studies of modern society and folklore changes. The questions, subjects, and concepts dealt with by folklorists in the process indicated that folklore studies were developing as an independent discipline to explore folklore phenomena in modern times.}, pages = {55--66}, title = {都市民俗学はどこへいったのか}, volume = {199}, year = {2015}, yomi = {コイケ, ジュンイチ} }