@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002281, author = {呉屋, 淳子 and Goya, Junko}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Dec}, note = {application/pdf, 近年,学校教育のなかで民俗芸能が積極的に行われている。学校教育で教えられている民俗芸能を見てみると,その在りようは,年々多様化している。特に,2006(平成18)年の教育基本法改訂に伴い,『新学習指導要領』のなかで「伝統の継承」に関する文言が明記され,正規の教育課程でも「伝統と文化」に関わる教科・科目の導入が顕著となってきている。本稿で取り上げる沖縄県八重山諸島石垣島に所在する3つの高等学校で導入された八重山芸能も,『高等学校学習指導要領』改訂に伴う教育課程の再編成によって実施されている。 また,学校教育で民俗芸能の教育が導入される状況は,地域によってもさまざまである。たとえば,地域社会を主体として民俗芸能の継承を行うには,困難な状況となり,学校教育が民俗芸能の継承の一翼を担っている場合がある。本稿が対象とする八重山諸島は,地域社会だけでなく,八重山諸島の3つの高等学校のそれぞれの学校が主体となり,地域社会と相互に関わり合いながら民俗芸能の教育が行われている。そして,民俗芸能が地域と切り離されて教授されてきた訳ではなく,むしろ地域社会と密接な関わりを保ちながら行われていた。 このようなことから,本稿では,八重山諸島の歴史的,社会的,文化的背景を踏まえて,現代八重山における八重山芸能の継承の現状と展開を,現在,3つの高等学校で行われている八重山芸能の教育の事例から明らかにする。その際,近世琉球期に八重山諸島と沖縄本島を行き来した人々がもたらした影響を通して,今日の八重山芸能がどのような人的交流を経て確立され,学校教育に取り入れられてきたのかについてみていく。具体的には,まず,廃藩置県以降,琉球王府に仕えた元役人の琉球古典芸能家が八重山諸島の人々へもたらした影響と,琉球古典芸能の八重山諸島への流入が八重山芸能の確立に与えた影響とその展開について検討する。次に,戦後の沖縄と八重山で芸能の普及に大きな役割を果たした「研究所」に着目しながら,芸能を継承する場の変化について指摘する。それらを踏まえて,現在,八重山の3高校の生徒および教員が八重山内外を移動することによって受ける沖縄本島や日本本土からの影響について検討し,八重山芸能が創造される過程について明らかにする。八重山の高等学校の事例を通して,今日の八重山芸能の継承と創造の過程について考察する。, Recently, many schools have been actively teaching folk performing arts. An analysis of folk performing arts transmitted through school education has revealed that such approaches are becoming more diverse year by year. In particular, the introduction of subjects related to tradition and culture in the regular curriculum has become even more common since the New Teaching Guidelines included the provision of “transmission of tradition” after the Fundamental Law of Education was revised in 2006. The three high schools located in Ishigaki Island in the Yaeyama Islands, Okinawa Prefecture, and examined as case studies in this paper also restructured their curriculums to introduce education on Yaeyama Performing Arts after the High School Teaching Guidelines were revised. The adoption of folk performing arts in school education varies depending on the region. For example, some communities are no longer able to take a responsible role in passing down folk performing arts and therefore schools partially act as their substitutes. In the case of the Yaeyama Islands analyzed in this study, three local high schools are teaching folk performing arts while being involved with their respective communities. In this process, however, none of the folk performing arts has been separated from the communities; rather, their connections with the communities have been strengthened. In this context, this paper aims to reveal the current situation and outlook of how to preserve and transmit Yaeyama Performing Arts through the case studies of ongoing education about them at three high schools in the Yaeyama Islands as well as the analysis of historical, social, and cultural backgrounds of the islands. At the same time, this paper examines the impacts of the exchanges of people between the Yaeyama Islands and Okinawa Main island in the early-modern Ryukyu era to uncover what kind of people were involved to form today's Yaeyama Performing Arts and how they have been adopted in school education. More specifically, at first, this paper investigates the impacts that traditional Ryukyu art performers who had previously served the royal court of Ryukyu brought to the Yaeyama Islands after the kingdom was transformed into Okinawa Prefecture, as well as the impacts of their arts introduced to the Yaeyama Islands on the establishment and development of Yaeyama Performing Arts. Next, by analyzing the “Institute” that played an important role in spreading performing arts in Okinawa and Yaeyama after World War II, this paper describes changes in those responsible for preserving and transmitting performing arts. Based on these results, this paper analyzes the current impacts of Okinawa and Japan's main islands caused by the movements of students and teachers of the Yaeyama three high schools in and out of the Yaeyama Islands to reveal the process of creating Yaeyama Performing Arts. Thus, the process of creating and transmitting today's Yaeyama Performing Arts is illustrated through the case studies of the three high schools in the Yaeyama Islands., 一部非公開情報あり}, pages = {171--211}, title = {学校のなかの八重山芸能 : 人の移動と八重山芸能の成立過程に注目して}, volume = {199}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ゴヤ, ジュンコ} }