@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002287, author = {徐, 銘 and Xu, Ming}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Jan}, note = {application/pdf, 9、10世紀の敦煌資料には、宗教儀礼に関連する文書が多数見られるが、その中には、仏教信仰にもとづく、仏像や塔形を刻んだ印を砂の上に押印し、数珠で数を数える「印沙仏」と称される儀礼が存する。従来の研究では、この儀礼は敦煌仏教における重要な行事として認められ、正月に行われた仏事「燃燈会」との繋がりなどが注目され、研究されてきたが、ほかに、内容上、同時代に敦煌で行われた仏誕会などの儀礼との関わりも見落とすことができない。 「印沙仏」儀礼を執行する主体として注目されるのは「社」という組織である。「社」はそれ以前の土地神の崇拝によって形成された地縁的集団と異なり、仏教信仰で結ばれた組織である。庶民の集いとしての「社」と僧侶の組織である教団は、このような儀礼の催行を通じて密接な関係を築き上げていた。 「印沙仏」儀礼の目的としては、祓病除災、来世幸福などの個人の願いから、国家太平や五穀豊穣に代表される祈りまで、さまざまな民衆の生活に結びついた祈願が多く見られ、当時の敦煌仏教の実践の一端を明確に見ることができる。こうした点に注目して、これまでの日本・中国のいずれの研究においても充分ではなかった敦煌仏教の社会的側面、及び地域の信仰との関わりを明らかにする考察として、本稿では「印沙仏」儀礼の実態を解明し、その特質を検討する。 「社」は、唐代中期から斎会などを扶助し、二月八日の仏祖誕生を祝う儀礼や民俗的行事にも関わったが、こうした検討を通じて、民衆の仏教の受容の実態を明らかにし、従来、充分な研究が行われてこなかった敦煌仏教の儀礼とその社会的側面を考察することが、本稿の目的である。, Many Dunhuang documents produced in the ninth and tenth centuries referred to religious observances, including a Buddhist ceremony called yinshafo (印沙佛) in which a seal engraved with the image of a Buddhist deity or stūpa was put on the sand and prayers were counted on Buddhist rosaries. This ceremony has been studied extensively as an important event in Dunhuang Buddhism. These previous studies have mainly focused on the connection of the ceremony with the Lantern Festival, a Buddhist ritual held in the first lunar month; however, it is also worth examining the relationships with other Buddhist rituals held in Dunhuang in that period, such as the Buddha's Birthday Festival. Another point that cannot be overlooked in relation to the yinshafo ceremony is an association called the she (社). It was one of the key players in organizing the ceremony. This type of association was unique in that it was based on the religious bond of Buddhism, unlike other contemporary organizations which were based on a shared territorial bond formed from the worship of local deities. She, associations of commoners, built close relationships with religious groups of monks through working together to organize religious ceremonies. One of the main purposes of yinshafo ceremonies was to pray for people's lives. The prayers ranged from communal to private, such as universal peace, a huge harvest, recovery from illness, protection from misfortunes, and happiness in the next world. These diverse prayers clearly show some aspects of Dunhuang Buddhism at that time. From this perspective, the present article examines the social aspects of Dunhuang Buddhism and its relationships with other local worship and belief, which so far have not been fully studied in either China or Japan, to reveal the realities of yinshafo ceremonies and analyze their features. In the mid-Tang period, she associations supported fasting ceremonies and were involved in the festival to celebrate Buddha's Birthday on the eighth day of the second month of the Indian calendar as well as other folk rituals. These facts are examined in this article to analyze the acceptance of Buddhism among the people and the ceremonies and social aspects of Dunhuang Buddhism, which have not been fully studied until now.}, pages = {115--126}, title = {敦煌における9、10世紀の「印沙仏」儀礼の考察}, volume = {200}, year = {2016} }