@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002313, author = {熊木, 俊朗 and 福田, 正宏 and 國木田, 大 and Kumaki, Toshiaki and Fukuda, Masahiro and Kunikita, Dai}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 柳田國男が一九〇六年の樺太紀行にて足跡を残した「ソロイヨフカ」の遺跡とは、南貝塚(別名、ソロイヨフカ遺跡)であり、この遺跡はその近隣にある鈴谷貝塚と共に、サハリンの考古学研究史上最も著名な遺跡の一つになっている。これらの遺跡の出土資料を標式として設定された「南貝塚式土器」と「鈴谷式土器」のうち、本論では後者の鈴谷式土器を対象として年代に関する再検討をおこなった。鈴谷式土器は、時代的には続縄文文化とオホーツク文化の、分布や系統の上では北海道とアムール河口域の狭間にあって、これら両者の関係性を解明する上で重要な資料であると考えられてきたが、特にその上限年代が不明確なこともあって年代や系統上の位置づけが定まっていなかった。本論でおこなった放射性炭素年代の測定と既存の測定年代値の再検討の結果、鈴谷式土器の年代はサハリンでは紀元前四世紀〜紀元六世紀頃、北海道では紀元一世紀〜紀元六世紀頃と判断された。この年代に従って解釈すると、鈴谷式土器はサハリンにおいて先に成立し、しばらく継続した後に北海道に影響を及ぼしたことになる。この結論を従来の型式編年案と対比させるならば、以下の点が検討課題として浮上してこよう。すなわち、サハリン北部での最近の調査成果に基づいて提唱されたカシカレバグシ文化、ピリトゥン文化、ナビリ文化といったサハリン北部の諸文化や、アムール河口域と関連の強いバリシャヤブフタ式系統の土器は、古い段階の鈴谷式土器と年代的に近接することになるため、これら北方の諸型式と鈴谷式土器の型式交渉を具体的に検討することが必要となる。また従来の型式編年案では、古い段階の鈴谷式土器は北海道にも分布すると考えられているため、その点の見直しも必要となる。鈴谷式土器を含む続縄文土器や、サハリンの古金属器時代の土器の編年研究においては、今後、これらの問題の解明が急務となろう。, The archaeological site of Solov'evka, which Kunio Yanagita visited on his trip to Sakhalin in 1906, corresponds to the Minami shell mound (also known as the Solov'evka site). This site, along with the Susuya shell mound in the vicinity, is considered one of the most important sites in Sakhalin archaeology. Objects unearthed from these sites are referred to as standard artifacts to distinguish Minami kaizuka type pottery from Susuya type pottery. Among them, the latter is examined in this paper to reassess its age. Dated between the Epi-jōmon culture and the Okhotsk culture and distributed in areas/cultural groups between Hokkaidō and the Lower Amur River basin, Susuya type pottery has been considered to provide an important clue in revealing the relationships between them. Nevertheless, its chronological and typological categories have not been fixed yet, partly because the upper limit of the age range is unknown. The results of radiocarbon dating and the reassessment of existing dating evidence in this study indicate that Susuya type pottery is dated to between the fourth century B.C. and the sixth century A.D. in Sakhalin and to between the first and sixth century A.D. in Hokkaidō. In the light of these results, this paper suggests that Susuya type pottery was first established in Sakhalin and later made an impact on the pottery of Hokkaidō. In view of the conventional chronology of pottery types, this assumption raises the following issues. First of all, because the pottery of Northern Sakhalin cultures, such as the Kashkalebagshch, Pil'tun, and Nabil' cultures whose existence was suggested by recent studies of Northern Sakhalin, as well as Bol'ishaya Bukhta type pottery which was closely related to cultures in the Lower Amur River basin, are chronologically close to early Susuya type pottery, it is essential to examine the detailed typological relationships between Susuya and these types of northern pottery. Moreover, it is necessary to review the conventional chronology of pottery types because it still suggests that early Susuya type pottery was distributed in Hokkaidō as well. These issues must be clarified as soon as possible to facilitate chronological studies of Susuya and other types of Epi-jōmon culture pottery as well as the pottery of the Paleometal Age in Sakhalin.}, pages = {101--135}, title = {鈴谷式土器とその年代 : 柳田國男の「樺太紀行」に寄せて}, volume = {202}, year = {2017}, yomi = {クマキ, トシアキ and フクダ, マサヒロ and クニキタ, ダイ} }