@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002317, author = {和田, 健 and Wada, Ken}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿では、柳田國男旧蔵考古資料のうち国内で採集したと推測される三点を対象とし、それらを採集するにいたった背景を推認し、柳田の学問的関心と相関させることを目的としたい。この三点の採集時期は一九〇〇年代(以後一九〇〇〜一〇年の範囲を示すために「〇〇年代」と記す)と思われる。〇〇年代は、『遠野物語』『石神問答』『後狩詞記』といったいわゆる柳田初期三部作をめぐる博物学的関心を深化させていった時期と位置づけられる。またあわせて大学卒業、農商務省任官、養嗣子、婚約といった人生のさまざまな転機を経験した時期でもある。対象とした採集遺物三点それぞれに貼られた注記ラベルからは、産業組合関係の全国をめぐる講演旅行の過程や早稲田大学で農政学の講義を持っていた時期での採集と読みとれる。〇〇年代は農政官僚としての仕事と同時に、『石神問答』に見られる山中共古達との三四通の書簡のやりとり、十三塚への興味関心そして樺太旅行での考古遺物の採集を行った時代の中で、この考古資料三点は捉えることができる。〇〇年代は日露戦争、日韓協約と韓国併合への道筋をたどる、日本が外交上大きなうねりの中にあった時期ではあるが、この時期柳田自身は官僚として国外、つまり日本の外側に向けた活動よりも、日本の国内、日本列島に住まう人々とその歴史を考える内側への関心を深めていったともいえる。柳田國男旧蔵考古資料は、〇〇年代当時、青壮年期の柳田が深化させていった博物学的関心の一端を垣間見ることができると評価できるのである。, This paper examines the archaeological materials collected by Kunio Yanagita to deduce the context of his collecting practices and correlate them with his academic interests. In particular, the focus is on three ancient artifacts he allegedly obtained in Japan. They seem to have been added to his collection in the first decade of the 20th century (hereinafter referred to as “the '00s”). It corresponded to the time when he developed an interest in field studies while working on his early trilogy: “Tōno Monogatari (The Legends of Tōno),” “Ishigami Mondō (Dialogue on Ishigami),” and “Nochi no Karikotoba no Ki (A Record of Boar Hunting).” The '00s were also the decade when he went through various life transitions, such as graduating from university, finding employment with the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, becoming an adopted heir, and getting engaged to be married. According to the labels on these three artifacts, they came into his possession while he was on a lecture tour around Japan for the Industry Association or while he was serving as a lecturer of agro-politics at Waseda University. He seems to have collected these three archaeological materials as reference information for his research activities in the '00s. During this period, he exchanged 34 letters with Kyōko Yamanaka and others for “Ishigami Mondō,” worked on the study of the Thirteen Mounds, and collected archaeological artifacts on a trip to Sakhalin while working for the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce. Although the '00s were the time when Japan was involved in a major transformation of international relations through the Russo-Japanese War, the Japan-Korea Convention, and the annexation of Korea, Yanagita was developing an interest in domestic issues (the anthropology and history of the Japanese archipelago), rather than engaging in foreign affairs (diplomatic activities) as a government official. Thus, the archaeological materials collected by Yanagita were considered as evidence that he developed an interest in field studies as a young adult in the '00s.}, pages = {267--283}, title = {博物学的関心の深化と人生の転機 : 採集遺物三点と柳田國男の一九〇〇年代}, volume = {202}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ワダ, ケン} }