@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002360, author = {宇野, 隆夫 and Uno, Takao}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, In both the East and the West, it is clear that various types of individual occupations were undertaken in various regions, and it is difficult to understand the formation of cities from a simple model. However, it is now coming to light that there are more than a few phenomenon common to the process of social development in Middle East Asia and China, or in England and Japan. We can conclude English phenomenon which are also common to Japan if we think of the formation process of villages which attracted resident populations, performed defense and central area functions as the process of the formation of cities. (Table 1). 1. There is a long stage in which agriculture and livestock farming are added (Neolithic age, earlier bronze age). 2. Several revolutions occurred in conjunction with the intensified farming and the formation of cities begun (later bronze age, iron age). Number 1 is a unique and stable system suited to northern environments with temperate forested areas. It is similar to the Jomon period. The collective religious activities were very important in these societies. Number 2 is the development of the latent production ability of the forests. It is similar to the Yayoi period. The land division, religious innovations and fortified large settlements were very important in these societies. These social revolutions were based on the interchange with the Bronze/Iron age advanced society.}, pages = {311--337}, title = {西洋と東洋の「都市」成立のプロセス : 日英の比較を中心として(Ⅱ部 都市―文明への道1―)}, volume = {119}, year = {2004}, yomi = {ウノ, タカオ} }