@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002419, author = {松木, 武彦 and Matsugi, Takehiko}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本論の目的は,古墳時代の倭王権を支える地域の構造とその変化を,これまで注目されてきた前方後円(方)墳を主体とする「首長墓」だけではなく,小墳群も含む墓制の全体的構造,それを営んだ居住域の展開,および両者の相互関係とその推移を明らかにする作業を通じて,政治のみならず,人口や生産も含んだ社会全体の歴史過程として復元することである。 この目的を達成するため,岡山平野南部を対象地域として,まず,前方後円(方)墳と小墳群,およびそれらと集落との空間的関係を分析した。その結果,前方後円(方)墳には,小墳群中に営まれる小規模なもの,小墳群に近在する中規模なもの,小墳群から独立した大規模なものからなる段階差があり,それは在地の小有力者から倭王権に直結した大有力者までの序列を示す可能性が高いが,集落との関係から,地域社会の基礎的な単位となるのは前者と考えられた。 この基礎的な単位は,古墳時代前期前葉~中葉には岡山平野の各地域で発展・継続するが,前期後葉~中期中葉には多くの地域で衰退・断絶し,少数の限られた地域に巨大な前方後円墳が築かれた。この変動は,集落や住居の数の急速な低落と時期を同じくしていることから,人口が減少して空洞化した地域社会を,倭王権と直結した大有力者がじかに統括するようになった状況を推測した。これをきっかけとして再び集落と住居の数が回復し,小墳群からなる基礎的な単位やそれに根ざした中小の前方後円墳が復活する中期後葉は,人口の回復によって地域社会が再興し,在地の小有力者がまた台頭した可能性が高い。後期前半には集落と住居の数が再び減少し,多くの小墳群が断絶するが,後期後半には集落と住居および小墳群の基礎的な単位は再び増加する。この人口増加を基点として律令国家の確立過程に入った。 前方後円(方)墳の築造パターンの変動は,これまで考えられてきたような政治史過程の直接的反映というよりも,根本的には環境変動などを起因とした人口の増減の上に立った社会関係の変化による可能性が高い。, This article aims to explain the regional structure supporting the Yamato polity and its transition in the Kofun period as the history of social dynamics, including not only political but also population and production dynamics. To this end, in addition to the conventional analysis of tombs built for chiefs, such as keyhole-shaped mounded tombs with a quadrangular or round rear portion (collectively referred to as “keyhole-shaped mound”), this article examines the comprehensive structure of burial practices including small-tomb clusters, the rise and fall of settlements that maintain the tombs, and their mutual relationships. This study starts with the analysis of keyhole-shaped tombs and small-tomb clusters and their spatial relations with settlements in the southern Okayama Plains. The results show that keyhole-shaped tombs are classified into three categories: small ones included in small-tomb clusters; medium ones located near small-tomb clusters; and large ones located independently from small-tomb clusters. They are likely to have reflected the hierarchy of power, from local leaders up to influential potentates directly connected with the Wa dynasty. Among them, the small tombs of local leaders are considered to have formed the basic unit in the regional community, as indicated by the analysis of the relationships between tombs and settlements. Such small-tomb-based lineages were developed and maintained across the Okayama Plains in the early and middle phases of the early Kofun period, but many declined and disappeared in the late phase of the early Kofun period and the first half of the middle Kofun period while keyhole-shaped tombs were increasing in size and decreasing in number. This transition coincided with a rapid decline in the number of settlements and dwellings, which implies that potentates connected with the Wa dynasty established direct control over the regional community by filling up the gaps caused by the declining population. Under their dominance, the number of settlements and dwellings was restored in parallel with the revival of small-tomb clusters and small- and medium-sized keyhole-shaped tombs based on the clusters in the second half of the middle Kofun period. It is also highly likely that the restoration of population revitalized the regional community and induced the rise of new local leaders. In the first half of the late Kofun period, the number of settlements and dwellings decreased again, and many small-tomb-cluster-based lineages became extinct. The second half of the late Kofun period, however, saw a resurgence in the number of settlements, dwellings, and small-tomb-cluster-based lineages. After this population restoration, the Wa dynasty started to develop the ritsuryō system of the matured state. These trends of the construction of keyhole-shaped tombs are likely to have been caused by social dynamics resulting from population fluctuations due to environmental changes and other reasons, rather than reflecting the history of political changes as has been believed.}, pages = {271--306}, title = {倭王権の地域構造 : 小古墳と集落を中心とした分析より (第3部 倭の地域社会)}, volume = {211}, year = {2018}, yomi = {マツギ, タケヒコ} }