@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002445, author = {日髙, 真吾 and Hidaka, Shingo}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, わが国において,災害で被災した文化財に対しておこなわれる文化財レスキューがはじまったのは,1995年の阪神・淡路大震災である。その後,文化財レスキューは,地震や水害などの災害が発生するたびに,被災地の状況に応じておこなわれ,実践事例を積み重ねてきた[村田2014,中村2014,日髙・内田2014]。そして,阪神・淡路大震災から約15年後となる2011年に東日本大震災が発生し,これまでおこなわれてきた文化財レスキューの集大成ともいえる活動が展開された。 東日本大震災では,これまでの文化財レスキューで経験したことのない広範囲にわたる被災地と大量の被災文化財に対して,阪神・淡路大震災以来となる全国規模の支援体制のもと,文化財レスキューがおこなわれた。2011年度から2012年度の2年度にわたっておこなわれたこの文化財レスキューは,阪神・淡路大震災の経験はもちろん,それ以降の災害において実践されてきた文化財レスキューの経験を活かし,大きな成果を上げたと評価できる。一方で,東日本大震災の文化財レスキューは,今後の大規模災害を想定した場合,いくつかの課題が明らかになった活動でもある。 そこで本論では,筆者自身が参加した東日本大震災における文化財レスキューの体制について課題を示し,文化財レスキューの拠点施設となる被災地の県立博物館・美術館の役割の重要性を明らかにする。次に,文化財レスキューの対象として示された「文化財等」という表現に着目し,その所見を述べる。また,文化財レスキューの対象となった文化財が,地域の文化財として再び利用される一つの方法として,展示活用の在り方を示すとともに,これら地域文化財が,平常時から地域で活用,保存されるための仕掛けづくりの必要性と実現のための可能性について示唆する。, Cultural asset rescue, performed for cultural assets damaged in disasters, started in Japan with the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster of 1995. Cultural asset rescue has been performed in the years since according to the circumstances of the disaster-stricken area every time a disaster occurred, including earthquakes and flood damage. A repertoire of actual cases have been built [Murata 2014, Nakamura 2014, Hidaka and Uchida 2014]. The Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster occurred in 2011, approximately 15 years after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster, and what could be called the culmination of cultural asset rescue up to that time was set in motion. Cultural asset rescue for the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster was performed over a larger disaster-stricken area and for a greater amount of affected cultural assets than ever before experienced in cultural asset rescue, with a support system of a national scale for the first time since the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster. This cultural asset rescue, which took place over the two fiscal years 2011 and 2012, utilized the experience gained from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Disaster and in cultural asset rescue implemented in disasters since, can be pronounced to have achieved major results. However, cultural asset rescue in the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster was also one which revealed some issues to consider for future large-scale disasters. This paper raises issues about the system for cultural asset rescue for the Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster, which the writer personally participated in, and reveals the importance of the role of prefectural museums and art museums of the prefecture of the disaster-stricken area, which would become the base facility for the cultural asset rescue. Next, it focuses on the expression "cultural assets etc." indicated as the target of cultural asset rescue and presents the writer's view. Further, it indicates a way of utilizing exhibits as one method for the cultural assets which were the target of cultural asset rescue to be used as cultural assets of the region once more and suggests the necessity and possibilities for implementation for these cultural assets of the region to be utilized and preserved in the region in ordinary times as well.}, pages = {47--61}, title = {[論文] 大規模災害時における文化財レスキューの課題 : 東日本大震災における文化財レスキューの経験から}, volume = {214}, year = {2019}, yomi = {ヒダカ, シンゴ} }