@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002463, author = {柴崎, 茂光 and Shibasaki, Shigemitsu}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, 本報告では,観光雑誌・ガイドブックとして知られている「旅」や「るるぶ」の文字情報や写真情報を活用しながら,1993年に世界自然遺産に登録された屋久島の観光イメージの変遷を明らかにした。その結果,時代ごとに観光地「屋久島」のイメージが変化してきたことが明らかとなった。1950年代には秘境としての屋久島が強調され,山域よりも里の暮らしなどが観光資源と表現されていた。国立公園に編入された時期を除いて,1980年代までは里の温泉や滝が主要な観光資源として頻繁に写真などにも掲載された。しかし 1990年代以降になり,世界遺産登録も一つの契機となり,観光イメージの中心が,縄文杉や白谷雲水峡といった山域に移行した。とりわけ近年は,エコツーリズムを活用した新たな観光形態が紹介されるようになる。例えば,太鼓岩やウィルソン株のハート形の空洞などに代表される新しい観光資源が誕生し,観光地「屋久島」イメージの変化にも影響を与えていた。 こうした観光地のイメージ変化をもたらす要因として,観光発展の初期の段階では,観光地へのアクセスが大きく影響しているものと考察された。そして飛行場といった交通機関や道路環境や木道といった登山道整備が改善される中で,アクセスが容易となり,山岳記事が少しずつ増えていったと考えられる。山岳記事が増える中で,大衆観光地化やエコツーリズム産業の発展も進み,観光雑誌・ガイドブックの出版社側も新たな情報の更新を繰り返してきた。ただしこうした迅速な観光資源化は,コンフリクトを生み出してきた。持続的な観光発展のために,行政側が提供する観光情報を検討する時期に来ている。, This paper clarifies the chronological changes in promotional tourism images of Yakushima Island as a tourist site, designated as a world natural heritage site in 1993, using textual as well as visual information for photos published in Japanese travel guidebooks, such as "Tabi" and "Rurubu." This study found that the images of Yakushima have changed across the ages. In the 1950s, Yakushima's images emphasized its remoteness and local livelihoods, which were favored as tourism resources over its mountainous areas. Photos of hot springs and falls adjacent to the seashore were frequently picked up until the 1980s except for the age (around 1965) mountainous area of Yakushima Island was designated as a part of a National Park. After the 1990s, however, the main tourism resources in Yakushima shifted to the mountainous areas, such as Jomon-sugi Cedar and Shiratani-Unsuikyo. Recently, other tourism resources related to the ecotourism industry, such as Taiko-Iwa, known as Drum Rock, and Wilson's stump, with its heart-shaped cavity, were newly exploited. These newly developed resources had a strong influence on changing images of Yakushima. There are several reasons the images of Yakushima have shifted over time. In the early stages of tourism development, limited means of transportation to Yakushima Island and to its mountainous areas critically affected the production of tourism images. Development of infrastructure, such as an an airport, roads, and footpaths, enabled visitors to Yakushima to venture into its mountainous areas, and articles in tourism magazines focusing on the mountainous areas gradually increased as a result. Disclosure of information about the mountainous areas led the penetration of mass tourism and the development of the ecotourism industry in Yakushima. With this increase in interest in the mountainous areas, publishers repeatedly updated their tourism magazines with newly found Yakushima information. However, the quick commodification of natural resources might cause conflicts, including issues of overuse and of alpine accidents. Public authorities must consider to what extent information about the mountainous region should be disclosed for the purpose of sustainable tourism development in Yakushima.}, pages = {69--90}, title = {[論文] 観光地「屋久島」イメージの変化について}, volume = {215}, year = {2019}, yomi = {シバサキ, シゲミツ} }