@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000273, author = {遠藤, 徹 and Endo, Toru}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 現代日本の音楽学は欧米の音楽学の輸入の系譜をひく研究が支配的であるため、今日注目する者は必ずしも多くはないが、西洋音楽が導入される以前の近世日本でも旺盛な楽律研究の営みがあった。儒学が官学化し浸透した近世には、儒学者を中心にして、儒教的な意味における「楽」の「律」を探求する学が盛んになり独自の展開を見せるようになっていたのである。それは今日一般に謂う音楽理論の研究と重なる部分もあるが、異なる問題意識の上に展開していたため大分色合いを異にしている。 本稿は、近世日本で開花していた楽律研究の営みを掘り起こす手始めとして、京都の儒学者、中村惕斎(1629~1702)の楽律研究に注目し、惕斎が切り拓いた楽律学の要点と意義を試論として提示したものである。筆者の考える惕斎の楽律学の意義は次の六点に要約される。①『律呂新書』に基づき楽律の基準音、度量衡の本源としての「黄鐘」の概念を示した、②『律呂新書』を基本にすることで近世日本の楽律学を貫く、数理的な音律理解の基礎をつくった、③『律呂新書』の説く「候気」の説は受け入れず、楽律の基は人声とする考え方を提示した、④古の楽律を探求するにあたって、実証、実験を重んじた、⑤古の楽律の探求にあたって、日本の優位性を説いた、⑥古の楽の復興を希求した。, Study about the tune based on Confucianism was done actively in Japan before the modern era where Western Musicology was not yet introduced. This paper discusses the feature and meaning of the Study about the tune which was done in Edo period(1603-1867), focusing Nakamura Tekisai(1629-1702) , The Confucian scholar of Kyoto. In this paper, I show characteristic points of Nakamura Tekisai’s study about the tune can count the following six . ① Based on “ Ritsu ryo Shin sho” written by Tsai Yuan-ting who was a scholar of the Sung dynasty in China, he showed that the pitch pipe of “Koh shoh” used as the standard of the tune could be also a standard of weights and measurements. ② Based on “ Ritsu ryo Shin sho”, he built the foundation of the mathematical temperment understanding that can be seen consistently to Study about the tune which was done at the Edo period. ③ He did not accept “kouki(a method of observe Ki)” that was explained in “Ritsu ryo Shin sho” as how to ask for ideal tune, but he presented his view point that basis of the ideal standard tune is a voice. ④When he searched for ideal tune of Chinese ancient times(that era was considered that the ideal tune had been realized), he respected the actual proof remaining in Japan and the experiment. ⑤ In the searching for ancient tuning, he claimed that Japan had predominance conditions. ⑥ He wanted ancient music to be revived someday and studied the ideal tuning as the foundation for it.}, pages = {245--261}, title = {中村惕斎と近世日本の楽律学をめぐる試論}, volume = {183}, year = {2014}, yomi = {エントウ, トオル} }