@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002768, author = {岡, 美穂子 and Oka, Mihoko}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 本稿では,16世紀に記された日本で活動するイエズス会士達の記録を手掛かりに,16世紀後半の九州=畿内間の航路の詳細を検証する。基本的には既刊の翻訳書である松田毅一監訳『イエズス会日本報告集』を情報源とするが,原文の綴りや翻訳内容に疑義のある箇所については原文に遡って,手を加えた。これらの情報の検討の結果,イエズス会士達は主に瀬戸内航路で諸所の港に乗合船で立ち寄りながら移動していたこと,これらの港の一部にはイエズス会士が定宿とするような日本人の家があり,布教の拠点ともなったことが明らかとなる。また,頻繁ではないものの,南海路で移動することもあり,それは主に瀬戸内海の状況が戦争で不安定な時に用いられた。瀬戸内航路,南海路共に海賊は多数おり,海賊との折衝や遭遇の様子も詳細に記される。また彼等を運ぶ船乗り達,船のスペックなどについても詳細な情報がある。特筆すべきは,大友宗麟が大坂出身で塩飽を拠点とする大型船の船頭と直接契約して,宣教師を畿内へと運ばせたという情報である。この情報からも,瀬戸内海の商業航路の関係者が,相当に超領域的な活動を行っていたことが考えられよう。従来のイエズス会史料を用いた南蛮貿易研究では,マカオ=九州間の交易についてのものが多かったが,本研究では,九州より先の日本国内,主に畿内の商人たちの南蛮貿易への関わりに着目した。とりわけ第四節では,小西家のキリシタン入信前後の状況と南蛮貿易に携わる京都商人の動きに着目し,これまでの研究では言及されたことのない血縁ネットワークについても明らかにした。そこからは,京都商人の入信動機には,南蛮貿易での利益のみならず,西洋からもたらされる最先端の知識への探究心もあったことが推察可能である。, This paper analyzes in detail the Kyushu-Kinai Sea Route in the late 16th century based on the reports made by Jesuits sent to Japan in the 16th century. This study principally refers to Jurokushichiseiki Iezusukai Nihon Hokokushu (Collection of Jesuit Reports from Japan in the 16th and 17th Centuries), translation supervised by Kiichi Matsuda, but also consults the original reports when any question arises as to spelling and translation. According to the analysis of these reports, Jesuits stopped at port towns while traveling by passenger boat through the Seto Inland Sea. In some port towns, local people offered their homes for Jesuits to stay in on a regular basis. These homes also served as hubs of missionary work. Moreover, Jesuits sometimes traveled through the South Sea Route, especially when the Seto Inland Sea region was involved in conflicts and fell into an unstable state. There were many pirates along the Seto Inland Sea Route and the South Sea Route. Jesuits also described in detail their encounters and negotiations with pirates in the reports. In addition, these reports include detailed information on seamen and specifications of boats carrying Jesuits. In particular, it is worth noting that Otomo Sorin made a direct agreement with the master of a large ship who was born in Osaka and based in the Shiwaku Islands to transport missionaries to the Kinai Region. This indicates that merchants and seamen involved in the commerce along the Seto Inland Sea Route acted actively beyond the territorial borders. Although most of the previous studies of the Namban trade based on the historical documents of the Society of Jesus examined trade between Macao and Kyushu, this study rather focuses on how merchants from Kyushu and other parts of Japan, especially from the Kinai Region (Kyoto and Sakai), were involved in that trade. In particular, Section IV examines the situations of the Konishi family before and after their conversion to Christianity and the activities of Christian merchants of Kyoto involved in the Namban trade and provides new findings on kinship-based networks. These findings also imply that the reasons for conversion of Kyoto merchants included not only the financial benefits they expected from the Namban trade but also their craving for advanced Western knowledge.}, pages = {387--406}, title = {[論文] 海と権力 : 宣教師報告に見る畿内=九州移動ルートの分析を手がかりに}, volume = {223}, year = {2021}, yomi = {オカ, ミホコ} }