@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002787, author = {松田, 睦彦 and Matsuda, Mutsuhiko}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Oct}, note = {application/pdf, 小稿では,明治16年(1883)の「朝鮮国に於て日本人民貿易の規則」および明治22年(1889)の「日本朝鮮両国通漁規則」によって,日本人漁民による朝鮮近海への通漁が公式に認められる以前の朝鮮海出漁の様相を明らかにするとともに,この出漁が近世から日常的におこなわれてきた対馬への出漁の延長上にあることに注目し,明治初頭の朝鮮海出漁が日本人漁民にとってどのような意味を持つものであったかについて考察する。 まず第一節では,「朝鮮国に於て日本人民貿易の規則」締結以前の明治初頭に朝鮮海出漁に出た浦々の出漁の経緯を整理し,すべての浦が対馬への出漁を経験していること,そして,その一部は近世段階で対馬への進出を果たしていることを明らかにする。第二節では,近世段階での対馬への他領からの出漁の様相を確認するとともに,対馬を拠点として朝鮮海での「密漁」もおこなっていたことを指摘する。そして第三節では,漁民が複数の漁を組み合わせることで周年操業をめざそうとする論理のうちに朝鮮海出漁をとらえ,これまで一般的であった貧困からの脱出を求めての朝鮮海出漁というフレームに疑義を呈する。, The objective of the study was to explain the fishing situation of Japanese fishermen in the waters off the Korean Peninsula before the official approval of the Regulations regarding Trade by Japanese People in Korea in 1883 and Japan-Korea Bilateral Commercial Fishing Regulations in 1889, particularly focusing on the fact that there was a close relationship between fishing around the Korean Peninsula and Tsushima Island. Also, we discussed the experience of Japanese fishermen who fished near the Korean Peninsula. In the first section, we analyzed how fishermen who went fishing in the waters around the Korean Peninsula before 1883 came to travel to the area by region. We found that fishermen from all areas first went fishing around Tsushima Island before going fishing around the Korean Peninsula. In the second section, we confirmed that fishermen from other areas came to Tsushima to fish in the early modern Japanese era. We also pointed out that poaching was also ongoing around the Korean Peninsula. In the third section, we investigated the general fishing practices of that era and found that fishermen combined several fishing methods that enabled them to catch fish all year round, and fishing off the coast of the Korean Peninsula was one of these methods. This knowledge provides new insights into the generally held opinion that poorly equipped Japanese fishermen went out close to the Korean Peninsula to make a living.}, pages = {11--23}, title = {[論文] 明治16年「貿易規則」以前の朝鮮海出漁 : 前史としての対馬出漁とその意味}, volume = {221}, year = {2020}, yomi = {マツダ, ムツヒコ} }