@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002839, author = {八木, 光則 and YAGI, Mitsunori}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, 6世紀末から10世紀にかけて,東北北部から北海道央ではいわゆる末期古墳が造られていた。90年近い末期古墳の研究史の中で,近年特に注目されている三つのテーマについて再検討を行った。 一つは末期古墳の系譜を東国に求める動きに対してである。検討の結果,青森県八戸地域と岩手県胆沢地域とでは別系譜であることが認められた。八戸地域では無煙道~短煙道竃の竪穴住居跡と横穴式石室を模したような張り出しをもつ土壙型末期古墳が多くみられ,関東からの影響が強いこと,側壁抉込土坑が分布することから常総地方などに系譜が求められることが考えられた。 胆沢地方では,竃焚口に長礫を横架する構造を福島県南部などから受容しているが,土壙型は伸展葬と墳丘という広く古墳文化の影響を受けながら,伝統的な土壙墓が変革されたものと考えられた。川原石積みの礫槨型は関東西部などからの影響の可能性を確認するにとどまった。 東北北部以北の蝦夷社会成立にあたっては東国からの影響が大きかったが,一方で移民を示すような関東系土師器は僅かで,多くの人々の移住や移民は想定できないことも明らかになった。 二つめは,主体部を残さない形の末期古墳(周湟墓)の位置づけである。8世紀後葉以降に大規模な古墳群が減少し,また中規模の墓域が集落の一画に造られ,さらには数基の家族墓的なあり方に変化する。村落での墓域共有の理念が失われ,集落ごと,家族ごとで墓域を形成するようになった。この背景として8世紀後半の竪穴住居総数の減少があり,地域社会の大きな変革期であったことがあげられる。 三つめは,岩手県南端や宮城県北端の地域(栗原等五郡域)の群集墳が北上盆地の礫槨型末期古墳とは異なることを指摘した。群集墳築造は柵戸移民や城柵造営,三十八年戦争などにともなって,在地住民が郡司などの役職に就き,群集墳の葬制を取り入れたことが想定される。 以上,末期古墳をとおして,蝦夷社会の成立や変容,陸奥中部北端での内国化の様相を考察した。, This paper is a reexamination of the Latest Stages Tombs (Emishi-style), whose construction dates back to the 6th century—10th century period and is spread over the expanse from northern Tohoku to central Hokkaido. These tombs have been evaluated along the following three themes: The first theme discussed in this study is the genealogy of the Latest Stages tombs. The Hachinohe area of Aomori Prefecture is lined with several hole-type Latest Stages tombs. These tombs consist of overhangs whose architectural design seems to have been replicated from pit dwellings consisting of horizontal stone chambers and furnaces that either sport no smoke flues or very short ones. It is believed that their genealogy can be traced back to the Joso region (Ibaraki and Chiba Prefecture) because their design, together with the dug holes on their sidewalls, seems to have been highly inspired from the Kanto-style tombs. The structure of long gravel laid horizontally across the opening of a furnace was adopted in the Isawa area of Iwate prefecture from the southern part of the Fukushima prefecture. The style of the hole is said to have evolved from the traditional hole-shaped graves and broadly influenced by the kofun culture of extended burial and tumulus. This influence is evident in the architectural style of the western Kanto region in the stone compartment, together with its riverside stones. Although the culture of the Kanto provinces significantly influenced the establishment of the Ezo society in the areas north of northern Tohoku, there were few Kanto-style Haji potteries, which implies that not many people migrated from Kanto to this region. The second theme involves a historical transition. As the number of large-scale clustered tumuli began plummeting since the latter half of the 8th century, the design of the Latest Stages tombs was changed to a style that no longer entailed its main part (i.e., the burial mound surrounded by a ditch or tombs encircled by a groove). Moreover, people began abandoning the idea of a communal burial area and started setting up a separate burial ground for each village or family. This transition stems from a reduction in the total number of pit dwellings in the latter half of the 8th century, which was a period of enormous change in the local communities. The third theme is the author’s recognition that the clustered tumuli in the southernmost part of the Iwate prefecture as well as the northernmost part of Miyagi prefecture (i.e., the area comprising five counties, including Kurihara) are different from the stone compartment-style Latest Stages tombs in the Kitakami Basin. Regarding the construction of cluster of small mounded tombs, we can assume that the local residents took up occupational roles such as that of the local magistrate and adopted the funeral system of the clustered tumuli. They also assimilated with the immigration of the Kinohe (i.e., migrants from the Kanto and Hokuriku regions who were forced to work for the government), the construction of the castle fences, and the Thirty-Eight Years’ War. In conclusion, this studied the Latest Stages tombs to evaluate the formation and evolution of the Emishi society and its internalization of external cultural influences in the northern end of central Mutsu.}, pages = {147--178}, title = {[論文] いわゆる末期古墳の系譜と変容}, volume = {232}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ヤギ, ミツノリ} }