@article{oai:rekihaku.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000302, author = {吉川, 昌伸 and 工藤, 雄一郎 and Yoshikawa, Masanobu and Kudo, Yuichiro}, journal = {国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告, Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History}, month = {Jul}, note = {application/pdf, 下宅部遺跡の縄文中期から晩期の植生と植物利用の変遷,アサとウルシの分布を明らかにすることを目的に,主に炭素年代が得られている試料で花粉分析を行った。下宅部遺跡の植生史は,花粉化石群と年代に基づき4つの植生期に区分され,下位よりクリ林が優勢な時期(約5300‒4400 cal BP;縄文中期中葉~後葉),トチノキ林とクリ林期(約4200 cal BP;後期前葉),エノキ属-ムクノキ属とトチノキ林期(約3800‒3400 cal BP;後期中葉),クリ林の拡大期(約3200‒3000 cal BP;晩期前葉~中葉),コナラ亜属とクマシデ属-アサダ属,カエデ属を主とする落葉広葉樹林期(約3000‒2800 cal BP;晩期中葉)が認められた。縄文中期中葉には河川傍にクリ林が形成され活動的な生業があったが,後期前葉~中葉にはクリ材の利用により河川傍のクリ林が段階的に縮小し,その後にトチノキが拡大したことが明らかになった。クリは後期後半には河川傍から少なくなるが,晩期前葉には再びクリ林が拡大した。アサ畑は周辺にあった可能性があり,ウルシの雄株は近くには生えていなかった。, Vegetation history, use of plant resources, and the distribution of Cannabis sativa and Toxicodendron vernicifluum during the middle to final Jomon periods at the Shimo-yakebe site were studied by analyzing fossil pollen assemblages and using radiocarbon dating. Five vegetation stages were established on the basis of the composition of tree pollen assemblages and radiocarbon dating. The vegetation stages were as follows: superiority of the Castanea crenata forest (ca. 5300‒4400 cal BP), the Aesculus turbinata forest and the Castanea crenata forest (ca. 4200 cal BP), the Celtis-Aphananthe and Aesculus turbinata forest (ca. 3800‒3400 cal BP), expansion of the Castanea crenata forest (ca. 3300‒3200 cal BP), and deciduous broad-leaved forests such as Quercus subgen. Lepidobalanus, Carpinus-Ostrya, and Acer (ca. 3000‒2800 cal BP). The Castanea crenata forest was formed by the side of a river in the middle phase of the middle Jomon period, and it was actively occupied by the Jomon people. During the early to middle phase of the late Jomon period, it was estimated that the distribution of the river-side Castanea crenata forest was progressively decreased by use of timber, and afterwards, the Aesculus turbinata forest was expanded. At the side of the river, the distribution of Castanea crenata trees decreased in the late phase of the late Jomon period, but the Castanea crenata forest expanded again in the early phase of the final Jomon period. It was presumed that Cannabis sativa was cultivated in and around the site during the middle to late Jomon periods. Toxicodendron vernicifluum timbers have been excavated from the Shimoyakebe site at the early to middle phase of late Jomon period; however, it seems that male Toxicodendron vernicifluum trees were not distributed in this site at that time because of the absence of Toxicodendron vernicifluum pollen.}, pages = {163--188}, title = {下宅部遺跡の花粉と年代からみた縄文時代中期から晩期の植生史と植物利用}, volume = {187}, year = {2014}, yomi = {ヨシカワ, マサノブ and クドウ, ユウイチロウ} }